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Sampling-based binary-level cross-platform performance estimation




Fast and accurate performance estimation is a key challenge in modern system design. Recently, machine learning-based approaches have emerged that allow predicting the performance of an application on a target platform from executions on a different host. However, existing approaches rely on expensive instrumentation that requires source code to be available. We propose a novel sampling-based, binary-level cross-platform prediction method that accurately predicts performance of a workload on a target by relying on various performance statistics sampled on a host using built-in hardware counters. In our proposed framework, samples acquired from the host and target do not satisfy straightforward one-to-one correspondence that characterizes prior instrumentation-based approaches. The resulting alignment problem is NP-hard; to solve it efficiently, we develop a stochastic dynamic coupling (SDC) algorithm which, under mild assumptions, with high probability closely approximates optimal alignment. The prediction model constructed using SDC-aligned samples achieves on average 96.5% accuracy for 45 benchmarks at speeds of over 3 GIPS. At similar accuracies, this is up to 6× faster than instrumentation-based prediction, and approximately twice the speed of executing the same applications natively on our ARM target.
机译:快速准确的性能评估是现代系统设计中的关键挑战。最近,出现了基于机器学习的方法,该方法允许根据不同主机上的执行情况预测目标平台上应用程序的性能。但是,现有方法依赖昂贵的工具,而工具需要提供源代码。我们提出了一种新颖的基于采样的二进制级跨平台预测方法,该方法通过使用内置硬件计数器在主机上采样的各种性能统计信息来准确地预测目标上工作负载的性能。在我们提出的框架中,从宿主和目标中获取的样本不满足直接的一对一对应关系,该对应关系表征了以前基于仪器的方法。产生的对齐问题是NP困难的;为了有效地解决此问题,我们开发了一种随机动态耦合(SDC)算法,该算法在温和的假设下极有可能非常接近最佳对齐方式。使用SDC对齐的样本构建的预测模型在超过3 GIPS的速度下,对45个基准测试的平均精度达到96.5%。在类似的精度下,这比基于仪器的预测快6倍,并且大约是在我们的ARM目标上本地执行相同应用程序的速度的两倍。



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