首页> 外文会议>Contaminated sediments: Sustainable management and remediation >Treatment of Salted Road Runoffs Using Typha latifolia, Spergularia canadensis, and Atriplex patula: A Comparison of Their Salt Removal Potential

Treatment of Salted Road Runoffs Using Typha latifolia, Spergularia canadensis, and Atriplex patula: A Comparison of Their Salt Removal Potential


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De-icing salts are used all around the world to improve driving security. Their impacts on the environment are a major concern, especially due to the production of salted road runoffs that induce rising of salinity of freshwater ecosystems. Some plants tolerate high salt concentrations and are able to accumulate large amounts of salt in their tissues. To protect freshwater ecosystems, constructed wetland incorporating this kind of plant could be used to treat salted road runoffs before they reached natural ecosystems. Lake Saint-Augustin, located near Quebec City (Quebec, Canada) is used as an experimental watershed area. Typha latifolia, Atriplex patula, and Spergularia canadensis have been selected and assessed for their ability to survive and grow in salted waters by accumulating salt in their tissues. Germination (20 days) experiments, recovery experiments (20 days), and chloride accumulation experiments (2 months) have been performed in a controlled environment. The three species showed no germination inhibition for salt concentrations found in the field (0, 150, 1500 mg NaCI/L). Accumulation of chloride has been found significant for all species. Typha latifolia showed the best accumulation of chloride (63 mgCl~-/g of dry mass) which corresponds to a standing stock up to 230,000 mgCl·m~2. This result is promising and supports the decision for upgrading the process to a constructed wetland.
机译:除冰盐在世界各地都在使用,以提高驾驶安全性。它们对环境的影响是一个主要问题,特别是由于盐分的道路径流的产生会引起淡水生态系统盐碱度的上升。一些植物耐受高盐浓度并且能够在其组织中积累大量的盐。为了保护淡水生态系统,结合了这种植物的人工湿地可用于在盐分径流到达自然生态系统之前对其进行处理。位于魁北克市(加拿大魁北克)附近的圣奥古斯汀湖被用作实验性分水岭。已经选择了香蒲,滨藜和加拿大细柏,并通过在它们的组织中积累盐来评估它们在盐水中生存和生长的能力。在受控环境中进行了发芽(20天)实验,恢复实验(20天)和氯化物积累实验(2个月)。这三个物种对田间发现的盐浓度(0、150、1500 mg NaCl / L)都没有发芽抑制作用。已经发现,氯化物的积累对所有物种而言都是重要的。香蒲表现出最佳的氯化物累积量(63 mgCl〜-/ g干物质),对应于高达230000 mgCl·m〜2的常规储备。这一结果令人鼓舞,并支持将工艺升级为人工湿地的决定。



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