
Optical design of the SPIRE instrument for FIRST

机译:SPIRE FIRST仪器的光学设计

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The SPIRE instrument covers the 200-670 micron spectral range with a three-band, 4 x 8 diffraction limited field of view photometer, and a dual-band, 2.6 diameter field of view imaging FTS. Optimisation of the photometer optics has been given a high priority int he instrument design, allowing an all-reflecting configuration with seven mirrors in one plane. The design corrects for the large tilt of the telescope focal plane due to the off-axis position fhte SPIRE field of view, and provides two pupil images (where a beam steering mirror and a cold stop are located) and two field images (where a pickoff mirror for the spectrometer and the final image are located). A large back-focal length allows for dichroic band separators and beam folding mirrors. The spectrometer is a Mach-Zehnder-type, dual channel FTS providing two input and two output ports. The output ports are physically separated from the input ports, and the second input port is fed from a black-body source providing compensation of the telescope background, required to minimize the effect of jitter noise. Powered mirrors are used within the interferometer arms to minimize beam diameters and to leave miximum space for the scan mechanism. The complementary output ports are filtered by band-pass filters to provide the two spectral channels required.
机译:SPIRE仪器具有三波段,4 x 8衍射极限视场光度计和双波段,2.6直径视场成像FTS,涵盖200-670微米的光谱范围。在仪器设计中,光度计光学系统的优化已被赋予高度优先权,允许在一个平面上具有七个反射镜的全反射配置。该设计校正了由于SPIRE视场的偏轴位置而引起的望远镜焦平面的大倾斜,并提供了两个瞳孔图像(位于光束转向镜和冷光阑处)和两个场图像(位于光谱仪的拾取镜和最终图像位于)。大的后焦距允许使用二向色带分离器和光束折叠镜。光谱仪是Mach-Zehnder型双通道FTS,提供两个输入和两个输出端口。输出端口与输入端口在物理上分开,第二个输入端口由黑体源馈电,以补偿望远镜的背景,这是将抖动噪声的影响降至最低所需的。干涉镜臂内使用了电动反射镜,以最小化光束直径并为扫描机构留出最大的空间。互补输出端口由带通滤波器滤波,以提供所需的两个光谱通道。



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