首页> 外文会议>Conference on Optical Methods for Industrial Processes 6-7 November 2000 Boston, USA >Development of a non-dispersive UV-visible analyzer for simultaneous measurmeents and of SO_2 and NO_2 in stacks emissions

Development of a non-dispersive UV-visible analyzer for simultaneous measurmeents and of SO_2 and NO_2 in stacks emissions


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Non-dispersive analyzers have been used for measurement of gases for many years and were recently introduced as on-line meters for continuous stack emission measurements in industrial plants. SO_2 and NO_2 are among the most important gases in the emissions of the petrochemical industry. The development of a UV-visible meter for these gases is presented. It consists of three optical channels snesing differnet spectral regions: 300 nm for SO_2, 380 nm for NO_2 and 320 nm used as a common refernece. Each channel has an interference filter of 10 nm bandwidth centered at each channel's wavelength. Each filter is followed by a photodiode and its electronics which are housed in a single compartment with no moving parts. An incandescent lamp with high output in the UV region was selected and mounted on the opposite side of the stack by appropriate flanges. The equipment was designed to measure in the range between 0 and 500 ppmv with a resolution of about 2 ppmv. Performance parameters like signal stability, dark current, detection limit and calibration curves are shown.
机译:非分散分析仪已用于气体测量多年,最近被引入在线测量仪中,用于在工厂中进行连续烟囱排放测量。 SO_2和NO_2是石化行业排放中最重要的气体。介绍了用于这些气体的紫外可见仪的开发。它由三个具有不同网络光谱区域的光通道组成:SO_2为300 nm,NO_2为380 nm,320 nm为共同参考。每个通道都有一个以每个通道的波长为中心的10 nm带宽的干涉滤光片。每个滤光片后接一个光电二极管及其电子元件,它们装在一个没有活动部件的单个隔间中。选择在紫外线区域具有高输出的白炽灯,并通过适当的法兰将其安装在烟囱的另一侧。该设备设计为在0至500 ppmv的范围内进行测量,分辨率约为2 ppmv。显示了诸如信号稳定性,暗电流,检测极限和校准曲线之类的性能参数。



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