
An animal model of Photodynaniic Therapy induced esophageal stricture - preliminary report


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Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) using Photofrin has been recently approved by the FDA for the treatment of esophageal cancer and Barrett's esophagus. A major limitation of PDT for Barrett's esophagus is the development of esophageal stricture in up to 53% of patients. Mechanisms of PDT stricture formation have not been elucidated. The major difficulty is the lack of an animal model for PDT-induced stricture. We have used a pig model in which the esophagus is very similar to that of the human esophagus. Two (Scrofa) domestic pigs were injected with Photofrin at dosage of 2 mg/kg 48 hours prior to photoactivadon with 630 nm light. Following anesthesia, a laser probe (2.5 cm in length) was passed through the oral cavity to approximately the mid-point of the esophagus via an endoscope. Light energy (400 Joules (J)/cm) was delivered as a single dose in one pig or repeated at 72 hours in the second pig. In this pig model, upper endoscopy, Barium swallow and pathological studies confirmed stricture formation following esophageal PDT exposure of 400 J as one or two fractions. We believe that this is the first animal model created to study esophageal strictures resulting from PDT.
机译:FDA最近批准了使用Photofrin的光动力疗法(PDT),用于治疗食道癌和Barrett食道。 PDT对Barrett食道的主要局限性是高达53%的患者出现食管狭窄。 PDT狭窄形成的机制尚未阐明。主要困难是缺乏用于PDT引起的狭窄的动物模型。我们已经使用了其中食道与人类食道非常相似的猪模型。两只(Scrofa)家猪在用630 nm的光激活前48小时,以2 mg / kg的剂量注射Photofrin。麻醉后,通过内窥镜将激光探针(长度为2.5厘米)穿过口腔到达食道的中点。一头猪以单剂量递送光能(400焦耳(J)/ cm),第二只猪以72小时重复一次。在该猪模型中,上消化道内窥镜检查,钡剂吞咽和病理学研究证实,食管PDT暴露为一或两个分数后,食道PDT暴露会形成狭窄。我们认为,这是创建用于研究由PDT引起的食道狭窄的第一个动物模型。



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