首页> 外文会议>Conference on Lasers in Surgery: Advanced Characterization, Therapeutics, and Systems XIII Jan 25-26, 2003 San Jose, California, USA >Effect of Bath Water Temperature and Immersion Time on Bend Angle During Cartilage Thermoforming

Effect of Bath Water Temperature and Immersion Time on Bend Angle During Cartilage Thermoforming


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Much interest has been placed on the permanent reshaping of cartilage for facial reconstructive surgery using lasers. An alternate way to reshape cartilage is to heat the tissue in a water bath while maintaining the specimen in mechanical deformation. The objective of this study was to measure the circular bend angle of a cartilage specimen produced by varying the temperature and immersion time in a water bath. Rectangular cartilage specimens (18 x 4 x 1.5mm) were bent in a semicircular jig (diameter 11mm) and then immersed in a saline bath at temperatures between 50-80℃. The immersion times were 5, 20, 80, 160 and 320 seconds at each temperature. The distance between the ends of each specimen was measured before reshaping and at 15 minutes and 24 hours after immersion in order to calculate the resulting bend angle. The largest bend angle occurred in the specimen immersed in saline at 74℃ for 320 seconds, illustrating a definite thermal influence on the physical shape of the cartilage sample. The critical immersion times and bath temperatures where definite shape change occurred were determined.
机译:对于使用激光进行面部重建手术的永久性整形软骨已经引起了很多兴趣。重塑软骨的另一种方法是在水浴中加热组织,同时保持标本处于机械变形状态。这项研究的目的是测量通过改变水浴中的温度和浸泡时间而产生的软骨标本的圆形弯曲角度。将矩形软骨标本(18 x 4 x 1.5mm)在半圆形夹具(直径11mm)中弯曲,然后浸入温度为50-80℃的盐水浴中。每个温度下的浸入时间分别为5、20、80、160和320秒。在重塑之前以及在浸入之后的15分钟和24小时处测量每个样品的端部之间的距离,以便计算所得的弯曲角度。最大的弯曲角度发生在将样品浸入74℃的盐水中320秒的样品中,这说明了一定的热影响对软骨样品的物理形状。确定了发生一定形状变化的临界浸入时间和浴温。



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