
Mechanical Stress Reducing Heat Sinks for High-Power Diode Lasers


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During the last years high power diode lasers have become increasingly established for direct material processing. The advantages are the high efficiency (more than 50%) and long lifetime of more than 10.000h. An important factor believed to be responsible for the aging of diode lasers is the thermo-mechanical stress. High stress levels arise from the packaging process. The mismatch between the thermal expansion coefficient of the heat sink (typically copper 16.5x10-6 K-1) and the laserbar (GaAs 6.7x10-6 K-1) cause high mechanical stress. The change in length during the cooling process of a 10mm wide laserbar is more than 10μm. If a hard solder is used, the stress is much higher, because hard solder typically has a higher melting point and stress can not be reduced by relaxation. Typically material with lower thermal expansion coefficient have a lower thermal conductivity than copper. This increases the thermal load of the laserbar, which decreases the life-time in this sense. The expansion-matching and the lower thermal conductivity of this material are working against each other. In order to find a good compromise, different active cooled expansion matched heat sinks are simulated. Very promising heat sinks have been fabricated and characterized. Also the solder selection has influence on the long term stability. A very soft solder is more critical in terms of long term stability. A higher diffusion takes place, so that the properties of the solder change during the lifetime of the diode-laser. Hard solder, especially AuSn, are well tested solders with a very high long term stability, (no changes of the intermetallic structure even at higher temperature) The disadvantage of the hard solder is the incapability to reduce the mechanical stress through relaxation. Different solders are being used and investigated.
机译:在过去的几年中,高功率二极管激光器已经越来越多地用于直接材料加工。优点是效率高(超过50%)和使用寿命超过10.000h。被认为是造成二极管激光器老化的重要因素是热机械应力。包装过程会产生高应力水平。散热器(通常为铜16.5x10-6 K-1)和激光棒(GaAs 6.7x10-6 K-1)的热膨胀系数不匹配会导致较高的机械应力。宽度为10mm的激光棒在冷却过程中长度变化超过10μm。如果使用硬焊料,则应力会高得多,因为硬焊料通常具有较高的熔点,并且不能通过松弛来降低应力。通常,具有较低热膨胀系数的材料比铜具有较低的热导率。从这个意义上讲,这增加了激光棒的热负荷,从而缩短了使用寿命。这种材料的膨胀匹配和较低的热导率相互影响。为了找到一个好的折衷方案,模拟了不同的主动冷却膨胀匹配散热器。已经制造出非常有前途的散热器并进行了特性描述。同样,焊料的选择也会影响长期稳定性。就长期稳定性而言,非常柔软的焊料更为关键。发生更高的扩散,因此,在二极管激光器的使用寿命期间,焊料的特性会发生变化。硬焊料,特别是AuSn,是经过良好测试的焊料,具有很高的长期稳定性(即使在较高温度下金属间结构也不会发生变化)硬焊料的缺点是无法通过松弛来降低机械应力。正在使用和研究不同的焊料。



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