
Automatic location-finding of train crew using GSM technology


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Passenger carrier NSR (Dutch Railways Passengers) on a daily basis deploys approximately 1000 drivers and 1300 guards to run approximately 5000 trains. Normally speaking, the current deployment is in line with the crew schedule as laid down in the transport management system. This schedule is generally immediately (manually) updated to suit the situation. In the event of major disruptions, however, problems may occur as a result of which the disruption management organisation loses sight of the current personnel deployment. As a consequence, a situation can arise whereby the crew schedule no longer reliably reflects the current situation. This can lead to errors in the crew rescheduling and possibly to the cancellation of trains because crew have not been organised on time. For NSR this was an undesirable situation and the reason to launch the investigation into how this bottleneck could be solved. A research and development project was undertaken by NSR and Movares with the aim of developing a method for the automated detection of train crew on trains and the registration of deviations in respect of the crew schedule. During this project, a system was developed that - on the basis of GSM technology in combination with the monitoring of trains via the infrastructure - automatically detects which train crew members are located in which train. In the spring of 2009, a very successful test was implemented using the system.
机译:NSR(荷兰铁路旅客)客运公司每天部署约1000名驾驶员和1300名警卫,以运行约5000列火车。通常,当前的部署与运输管理系统中制定的船员时间表保持一致。通常会根据情况立即(手动)更新此计划。但是,在发生重大中断的情况下,可能会出现问题,导致中断管理组织无法了解当前的人员部署。结果,可能出现机组人员时间表不再可靠地反映当前状况的情况。这可能会导致人员重新安排中的错误,并可能导致火车取消,因为人员没有按时组织。对于NSR而言,这是一个令人不快的情况,也是开始调查如何解决此瓶颈的原因。 NSR和Movares进行了一项研究和开发项目,目的是开发一种方法,用于自动检测火车上的列车乘员并记录乘员时间表的偏差。在该项目期间,开发了一种系统,该系统基于GSM技术并通过基础设施对火车进行监控,可自动检测哪些火车机组人员位于哪列火车中。在2009年春季,使用该系统实施了非常成功的测试。



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