
Java Security: A Ten Year Retrospective




The first edition of Java (both the language and the platform) was released in 1995, which contained the all-or-nothing security access model. A mid-1997 paper I published in IEEE Micro laid out a vision for the future of Java security, which notably included a model for fine-grained access control, a crypto architecture, and a number of other security mechanisms. The first implementation of these features was officially released in late 1998 as part of the JDK 1.2 platform. Ten years on, the original vision of Java security was largely realized and the overall architecture had in fact been carried over to both the enterprise Java and mobile Java platforms. This paper reflects on lessons -- technical and otherwise -- learned in the process of designing and implementing the Java security architecture and in the aftermath of its release into the real world.
机译:Java的第一版(包括语言和平台)于1995年发布,其中包含全有或全无的安全访问模型。我在IEEE Micro上发表的一篇1997年中期的论文提出了Java安全性的未来构想,其中特别包括一个用于细粒度访问控制的模型,一个加密体系结构以及许多其他安全性机制。这些功能的第一个实现在1998年底作为JDK 1.2平台的一部分正式发布。十年过去了,Java安全性的最初构想已基本实现,并且整个体系结构实际上已经延续到了企业Java和移动Java平台上。本文回顾了在设计和实现Java安全体系结构的过程中以及在将其发布到现实世界之后所学到的技术和其他课程。



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