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Symbolic Visibly Pushdown Automata


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Nested words model data with both linear and hierarchical structure such as XML documents and program traces. A nested word is a sequence of positions together with a matching relation that connects open tags (calls) with the corresponding close tags (returns). Visibly Pushdown Automata are a restricted class of pushdown automata that process nested words, and have many appealing theoretical properties such as closure under Boolean operations and decidable equivalence. However, like any classical automata models, they are limited to finite alphabets. This limitation is restrictive for practical applications to both XML processing and program trace analysis, where values for individual symbols are usually drawn from an unbounded domain. With this motivation, we introduce Symbolic Visibly Pushdown Automata (SVPA) as an executable model for nested words over infinite alphabets. In this model, transitions are labeled with predicates over the input alphabet, analogous to symbolic automata processing strings over infinite alphabets. A key novelty of SVPAs is the use of binary predicates to model relations between open and close tags in a nested word. We show how SVPAs still enjoy the decidability and closure properties of Visibly Pushdown Automata. We use SVPAs to model XML validation policies and program properties that are not naturally expressible with previous formalisms and provide experimental results for our implementation.
机译:嵌套单词可以同时使用线性和层次结构来建模数据,例如XML文档和程序跟踪。嵌套词是一系列位置以及匹配关系,该匹配关系将打开标签(调用)与相应的关闭标签(返回)连接在一起。可视下推自动机是处理嵌套单词的下推自动机的受限类,并且具有许多吸引人的理论属性,例如布尔运算下的闭包和可确定的等效性。但是,像任何经典的自动机模型一样,它们仅限于有限的字母。对于实际应用,此限制对XML处理和程序跟踪分析都具有限制,在这种情况下,单个符号的值通常是从不受限制的域中得出的。出于这种动机,我们将符号可见下推自动机(SVPA)引入为无限字母上嵌套单词的可执行模型。在此模型中,转换用在输入字母上的谓词标记,类似于在无限字母上的符号自动机处理字符串。 SVPA的一个关键新颖之处是使用二进制谓词来模拟嵌套单词中打开和关闭标签之间的关系。我们展示了SVPA如何仍然享有Visible Pushdown Automata的可判定性和关闭属性。我们使用SVPA对以前的形式主义无法自然表达的XML验证策略和程序属性进行建模,并为我们的实施提供实验结果。



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