
Keynote 1




The explosive growth of information technology (IT) and communications infrastructures, coupled with the diversity of their components and a shortage of skilled IT workers, have resulted in systems whose control and timely management exceeds human ability. Current IT management solutions are costly, ineffective, insecure and labor intensive. autonomic computing (AC) models IT infrastructures and their applications as closed-loop control systems that need to be continuously monitored, analyzed followed by corrective actions whenever any of the desired behavior properties (e.g., performance, fault, security) are violated. Such AC techniques are inspired by strategies used by biological systems to deal with complexity, dynamism, heterogeneity and uncertainty. The design space for designing AC systems spans multiple disciplines such as distributed computing, virtualization, control theory, artificial intelligence, statistics, software architectures, mathematical programming, and networking. Our research efforts will accelerate the research and development of core autonomic technologies and services. In this presentation, I will give an overview of UA autonomic computing projects and focus on two projects: Autonomia: An autonomic control and management environment, and AND: autonomic network defense system.



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