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Smart Grid Foundation and associated Visualization facilities from a Transmission view point


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This paper discusses the foundation requirements that will enable a smart grid to be deployed acrossrnSouth Africa to the benefit of all users in the Southern African power industry. Both power systemrncontrol staff and metropolitan staff are increasingly being forced to deal with and plan for the impactrnof environmental events on their portion of the power system, with no means of either visualizing or ofrnreasoning about these relationships.rnInternationally, the lack of situational awareness and the huge quantities of non-processed alarm datarndelivered to control rooms during disturbances have been blamed for recent blackouts around thernworld [4]. SCADA systems, by definition, only report historical facts and at best and show the state ofrnthe power system as it was 10 seconds ago. SCADA systems cannot and do not show what canrnhappen or what can go wrong either in the short or medium term. To-days energy managementrnsystems are equipped with tools that provide warnings of potential problems. However, the output ofrnthese tools is independent, isolated and normally only visible in tabular form [1].rnOne of the most unnoticed aspects of power system control SCADA systems is that they effectivelyrnring fence the monitored electrical data inside the control rooms. This means that unless a data sourcernis integrated with the rest of the substation/power station SCADA data, it cannot be effectively usedrnby the control staff in the control room. For example, if grass fires or lightning storms are notrnmonitored by the SCADA system, there is no way in which the control staff can see or predict therneffects of these events on the power system.rnCurrently no tools exist that are capable of combining SCADA, environmental and weather data on arncommon platform. Nor is there a way in which the combined inputs can be visualized in a singlerncomprehensive view that will allow all the different objects, associated with each data source, tornreason about the current conditions and notify the control staff of the potential problems.rnThe fundamental requirement of our Smart Grid design is the ability to combine the power systemrnnetwork state with multiple inputs on a common geographical platform. The non SCADA itemsrninclude environmental data, social activity, staff location, maintenance requirements and legalrnobligations such as permits, licences and authorizations. The data structure must provide a platformrnthat will allow objects to reason with each other and about the input data locally and provide warningsrnof potential risks and event threats to the power system to all users. By combining all these various data sources on an object oriented data base and deploying customisedrnapplications to monitor the relationships between the objects, users will have a 15 minute to one hourrnpredictive view of all threats and warning on the power systemrnThe paper discusses these items and defines the building blocks needed to create a country wide SmartrnGrid, starting from the individual customer right up to the transmission system. It examines thernoverall architecture requirements, the communications needs, local and remote data collection, objectrnmodelling, object reasoning and finally how the results are visualized.
机译:本文讨论了基础要求,该基础要求将使智能电网能够在整个南非部署,从而造福于南部非洲电力行业的所有用户。电力系统控制人员和都会人员日益被迫处理和计划对其电力系统部分造成的环境事件,而没有办法可视化或误解这些关系。扰乱期间传送到控制室的大量未经处理的警报数据被归因于Thernworld周围最近的停电[4]。根据定义,SCADA系统仅报告历史事实,充其量只能显示10秒钟前的电力系统状态。 SCADA系统在短期或中期都不能也不会显示出什么可能发生的故障或出了什么问题。当今的能源管理系统配备了可对潜在问题进行警告的工具。但是,这些工具的输出是独立的,隔离的,并且通常仅以表格形式显示[1]。电力系统控制SCADA系统最不为人所知的方面之一是,它们有效地围住了控制室内的受监控电气数据。这意味着,除非将数据源与变电站/电站的其他SCADA数据集成在一起,否则控制室的控制人员无法有效地使用它。例如,如果SCADA系统未监控草火或雷暴,则控制人员无法查看或预测这些事件对电力系统的影响.rn目前不存在能够将SCADA与环境相结合的工具和arncommon平台上的天气数据。也没有一种方法可以在一个单一的综合视图中可视化组合的输入,该视图将允许与每个数据源关联的所有不同对象扭曲当前状况并通知控制人员潜在的问题。我们的智能电网设计能够将电力系统的网络状态与公共地理平台上的多个输入相结合。非SCADA项目包括环境数据,社会活动,员工所在地,维护要求和法律义务,例如许可证,执照和授权。数据结构必须提供一个平台,该平台将允许对象彼此进行推理并在本地对输入数据进行推理,并向所有用户提供警告给电力系统带来潜在风险和事件威胁。通过将所有这些不同的数据源组合在面向对象的数据库上并部署自定义的应用程序以监视对象之间的关系,用户将对电源系统上的所有威胁和警告有15分钟到1小时的预测视图。本文讨论了这些项目并定义了从单个客户到传输系统,创建全国性SmartrnGrid都需要构建基块。它检查总体架构要求,通信需求,本地和远程数据收集,对象建模,对象推理以及最终如何可视化结果。



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