
A Molecular Tool for Carbon Transfer in Mechanosynthesis


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Proposed advanced mechanosynthetic systems [1] require molecular tools able to bind and transfer reactive moieties with high reliability at 300 K (failure rates 10~(-10) per transfer operation). Screening of a large number of candidate tools at the AMI level enabled the identification of a structure, DC10c, that is calculated (at the B3LYP/6-31 G(d,p) level) to meet these stringent requirements when used to transfer carbon dimers to any of a target class of graphene-, nanotube-, and diamond-like structures [2], The favorable energy of transfer (exoergic by a mean energy ≥ 0.261 aJ per dimer) results from avoidance of the generation of high-energy radical sites during dimer release by means of π-delocalization to form a strained aromatic ring on the binding face of the empty structure. These energies are compatible with transfer-failure rates ~ 10~(-24) per operation at 300 K, and overall failure rates 10~(-10).
机译:提出的先进的机械合成系统[1]要求分子工具能够在300 K下以高可靠性结合和转移反应性部分(每次转移操作的失败率<< 10〜(-10))。在AMI级别对大量候选工具进行了筛选,从而能够识别出DC10c结构,该结构经计算(在B3LYP / 6-31 G(d,p)级别)可满足用于碳转移的这些严格要求。二聚体到任何目标类别的石墨烯,纳米管和类金刚石结构[2],转移的有利能量(每个二聚体的热能均大于或等于0.261 aJ)是由于避免了高能的产生二聚体释放过程中的自由基位点通过π-离域作用在空结构的结合面上形成应变的芳香环。这些能量与300 K下每次操作的传输失败率〜10〜(-24)和整体失败率<< 10〜(-10)兼容。



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