首页> 外文会议>Cellular Automata >Towards an Ontology for Crowds Description: A Proposal Based on Description Logic

Towards an Ontology for Crowds Description: A Proposal Based on Description Logic


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The research context of this paper refers to bottom-up approaches to crowd dynamics that is, the study of how and where crowds form and move [1]. Several phenomena like crowd aggregation, dispersion and self-organized movement have been observed and studied by multiple disciplines interested to crowds (e.g. physics, sociology, ethology, social and behavioral psychology, building design, urban planning, security management, among others), each one with its specific viewpoint and ontological setting. SCA4CR0WDS is an interdisciplinary research within this context that aims at contributing towards the development of a unifying ontology on crowds allowing the integration of contributions coming from several disciplines and that could be exploited for scientific and applicative issues (e.g. model comparison, validation, calibration).
机译:本文的研究背景是指自下而上的人群动态研究方法,即人群形成和移动的方式和位置的研究[1]。人群感兴趣的多个学科已经观察和研究了诸如人群聚集,分散和自组织运动之类的几种现象(例如,物理,社会学,人类学,社会和行为心理学,建筑设计,城市规划,安全管理等),每种一种具有其特定观点和本体论设置。 SCA4CR0WDS是在此背景下的跨学科研究,旨在促进人群上统一本体的发展,从而允许整合来自多个学科的贡献,并可将其用于科学和应用性问题(例如模型比较,验证,校准)。



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