首页> 外文会议>Human Factors and Ergonomics Society annual meeting;HFES 2002 >+Gz Acceleration Loss of Consciousness:Time Course of Performance Deficits With Repeated Experience

+Gz Acceleration Loss of Consciousness:Time Course of Performance Deficits With Repeated Experience

机译:+ Gz加速意识丧失:具有反复经验的绩效不足的时程

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Pilots of modern fighter aircraft encounter episodes of gravity-induced loss of consciousness (GLOC)rnconsisting of complete unconsciousness and subsequent confusion. According to Whinnery, Burton, Boll,rnand Eddy (1987), pilots are totally incapacitated for 24 sec during such episodes. Using centrifugernsimulators to induce GLOC and math and tracking tasks to emulate flight performance, this studyrnconfirms the duration of total incapacitation described by Whinnery et al. (1987) and also indicates thatrnthe GLOC problem is more serious than they envisioned. Performance efficiency deteriorates from 3.20rnto 7.44 sec prior to the onset of unconsciousness and does not return to baseline levels until 55.5 sec afterrnthe confusion phase has ended. Thus, at speeds of 500 mph typical of modem fighters, pilots can travelrn12.1 miles while not in control of their aircraft. These effects do not appear to be reduced by repeatedrnencounters with GLOC.
机译:现代战斗机的飞行员遇到由重力引起的意识丧失(GLOC)事件,包括完全的意识丧失和随后的困惑。根据Whinnery,Burton,Boll,rnand Eddy(1987)的说法,飞行员在这种情况下完全丧失了能力,持续了24秒钟。该研究使用离心机模拟器诱导GLOC,并通过数学和跟踪任务来模拟飞行性能,从而确定了Whinnery等人描述的完全失能的持续时间。 (1987)并且也表明GLOC问题比他们的设想更为严重。在意识丧失开始之前,表演效率从3.20 rn降低到7.44 sec,直到混乱阶段结束后的5 5.5 sec才恢复到基线水平。因此,在现代战斗机通常以500 mph的速度行驶时,飞行员可以行驶12.1英里,而不受飞机的控制。重复服用GLOC不会减轻这些影响。



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