首页> 外文会议>Biomedical Science amp; Engineering Conference, 2009. BSEC 2009 >“MRI brain extraction using a graph cut based active contour model”

“MRI brain extraction using a graph cut based active contour model”




Brain extraction refers to stripping the skull and removing any non brain tissue such as fat, bone and eye balls from the MRI of the head. Brain extraction is an extremely important preliminary step before any brain analysis algorithm. This paper proposes a novel algorithm for the extracting the brain tissue using a graph cuts based active contour model. The model combines the implicit curve evolution techniques with graph cuts optimization tools to provide a fast and robust segmentation algorithm. A discrete version of the Mumford Shah functional will be presented and the optimization will be performed on a discrete lattice using the max-flow/min-cut algorithm. The implicit curve evolution is performed by iteratively minimizing the discrete function and is simply described as follows: we will construct a graph in which each pixel in the image has a corresponding vertex and we will add two auxiliary vertices (Source (S) and Target (T)) that will later represent the labeling and this will complete the vertex set of the graph. The edge set of the graph will consists of two subsets: terminal links that connect each vertex to either the source or the target, the weights of these links represent the external energy of the active contour model and according to the Mumford-Shah functional will be calculated as the intensity deviation of the corresponding pixel around the mean value of the class of interest. Neighboring Links: these will connect the neighboring vertices with each other and, the weights of these links will represent the internal energy of the active contour and are calculated from the length of the evolving contour. A discrete approximation of the Euclidean length of the contour is presented using the Cauchy Crofton formula. After constructing the graph, a max-flow/min-cut algorithm will be applied to find the minimum cut. The minimum cut will subdivide the vertices of the class into two disjoint sets one of them contains the source and the other contains th-ne sink, respectively. The pixels that correspond to all the vertices in the first set will be have a label 1 and all the other pixels will have a label zero and this terminates the labeling process. Applying the curve evolution model on the MRI slice, it will tend to group the more homogeneous tissue in one class and hence the white matter and gray matter tissues will be grouped with the fat and everything else in the other class. Fat is naturally far apart from the gray matter and white matter and hence, the curve evolution algorithm is followed by a connected component analysis that picks the most dominant component/s as the brain tissue. The advantages of our algorithm over the currently existing brain extraction algorithms are summarized as follows: (1) graph cuts are considered as a global optimization tool and hence our model is less prone to error and not sensitive to initialization. (2) graph cuts can obtain the global minimum of most functions in polynomial time, which makes our algorithm very fast when compared to most of the brain extraction techniques that mostly depend on level sets implementations. (3) The implicit curve representation makes the model very robust to topology changes.
机译:脑提取是指剥去颅骨并从头部的MRI去除任何非脑组织,例如脂肪,骨头和眼球。在进行任何脑部分析算法之前,脑部提取是极其重要的初步步骤。本文提出了一种基于图割的主动轮廓模型提取脑组织的新算法。该模型将隐式曲线演化技术与图形切割优化工具结合在一起,以提供一种快速而强大的分割算法。将展示Mumford Shah函数的离散版本,并使用最大流量/最小切割算法在离散晶格上执行优化。隐式曲线演化是通过迭代最小化离散函数来执行的,其简单描述如下:我们将构建一个图形,其中图像中的每个像素都有一个对应的顶点,并添加两个辅助顶点(源(S)和目标( T)),此后将代表标签,这将完成图形的顶点集。图的边集将由两个子集组成:将每个顶点连接到源或目标的终端链接,这些链接的权重代表活动轮廓模型的外部能量,根据Mumford-Shah函数将为计算为围绕感兴趣类别的平均值的相应像素的强度偏差。相邻链接:这些链接将相邻的顶点彼此连接,这些链接的权重将代表活动轮廓的内部能量,并从不断变化的轮廓的长度计算得出。使用柯西克劳夫顿公式,给出了轮廓的欧几里得长度的离散近似值。构造图形后,将应用最大流量/最小切割算法来查找最小切割。最小割会将类别的顶点细分为两个不相交的集合,其中一个包含源,另一个包含第n个汇。对应于第一组中所有顶点的像素将具有标签1,所有其他像素将具有标签0,这将终止标记过程。将曲线演化模型应用于MRI切片,它将趋向于将更均匀的组织归为一类,因此白质和灰质组织将与脂肪以及其他所有事物归为一类。脂肪自然与灰质和白质相距甚远,因此,曲线演化算法之后是关联成分分析,该分析选择了最主要的成分作为大脑组织。与现有的脑部提取算法相比,我们的算法的优势总结如下:(1)图割被视为一种全局优化工具,因此我们的模型不易出错且对初始化不敏感。 (2)图割可以在多项式时间内获得大多数函数的全局最小值,这与大多数主要依赖于级别集实现的大多数大脑提取技术相比,使我们的算法非常快速。 (3)隐式曲线表示使模型对拓扑变化非常健壮。



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