
Bone mineral density of cervical spine vertebrae using quantitative computed tomography


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While numerous studies exist quantifying the bone mineral content of the human lumbar vertebrae, such information is not available for the cervical spine. This study determined the bone mineral densities of cervical vertebrae. Adult healthy human volunteers, ages ranging from 18 to 40 years, underwent quantitative computed tomography scanning of the neck. BMD data were divided according to subject weight (above and below 50th percentile, termed low and heavy mass) and gender. Low-mass subjects did not consistently have higher bone mineral density at all levels of the cervical column. Bone mineral densities were higher (259 ± 6 mg/cc) for females than males (247 ± 8 mg/cc); for the entire ensemble the mean density was 253 ± 9 mg/cc. Altered strength of cervical vertebrae coupled with the increased mobility of the disc at the inferior levels of the neck may explain regional biomechanical differences and subsequent physiologic effects secondary to aging. This study quantifies BMD of the human neck vertebrae and offers explanations to the biomechanical behaviors of the human cervical spine.
机译:尽管已有大量研究量化了人类腰椎的骨矿物质含量,但颈椎尚无此类信息。这项研究确定了颈椎的骨矿物质密度。年龄在18至40岁之间的成年健康人类志愿者接受了颈部定量CT扫描。 BMD数据根据受试者的体重(高于和低于50%,称为低体重和沉重体重)和性别进行划分。低质量受试者在宫颈柱的所有水平上均未始终具有较高的骨矿物质密度。女性的骨矿物质密度(259±6 mg / cc)高于男性(247±8 mg / cc);在整个集合中,平均密度为253±9 mg / cc。颈椎强度的改变以及颈椎下位椎间盘活动性的增强可能解释了区域生物力学差异以及继发于衰老的后续生理效应。这项研究量化了人类颈椎的骨密度,并为人类颈椎的生物力学行为提供了解释。



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