首页> 外文会议>AUVSI's unmanned systems North America 2004 >Design and Integration of a Lightweight Air Drop Dispenserfor Delivery of a Skeet P31 Smart Warhead

Design and Integration of a Lightweight Air Drop Dispenserfor Delivery of a Skeet P31 Smart Warhead

机译:用于交付Skeet P31智能战斗部的轻型空投机的设计和集成

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A generic container has been designed and integrated with a Shadow unmanned airrnvehicle (UAV) for delivery of small, high value payloads to forward based ground units.rnOne fairly unique version of this container, I.e., a dispenser system, has beenrnpostulated for delivery of the Skeet P31 Smart Warhead.rnThe container and its release system's interface to the air vehicle have been designedrnto accommodate use on any air vehicle that has the weight and structural capacity torncarry it. In order to enhance the survivability of the UAV and insure accurate delivery tornthe specified target ground coordinates, the dispenser system has been configured forrndrop from typical surveillance altitudes and utilizes a unique guided parafoil system thatrnyields the desired delivery accuracy. For the Skeet P31 Smart Warhead version of therndispenser, the unique requirements mandated for delivery of that munition have beenrncharacterized. This paper presents the concept developed for delivery of the containerrnand the conceptual dispenser and summarizes the results of tests that have beenrnaccomplished to date.
机译:已设计出一种通用集装箱,并与影子无人飞行器(UAV)集成在一起,以将小的,高价值的有效载荷输送到基于地面的地面部队。该集装箱的一个相当独特的版本,即分配系统,即用于运输Skeet P31 SmartWarhead。rn容器及其释放系统与飞行器的接口经过专门设计,可适应任何具有重量和结构承载能力的飞行器使用。为了增强无人飞行器的生存能力并确保准确地传递到指定的目标地面坐标,分配器系统已配置为从典型的监视高度坠落,并利用了独特的引导式翼型系统,该系统产生了期望的传递精度。对于Skeet P31 Smart Warhead版本的弹药分配器,已规定了交付弹药的独特要求。本文介绍了为交付容器和概念分配器而开发的概念,并总结了迄今为止已完成的测试结果。



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