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Similarity relations in multiple scattering through turbid media: a Monte Carlo evaluation


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Abstract: We discuss the validity and the precision of scaling principles which can be used to transform problems of radiative transfer in media that scatter anisotropically (g $DNEQ 0, g being the mean cosine of the scattering angle) to equivalent isotropic problems (g $EQ 0). A Monte Carlo model is used to calculate the reflection (R) and the transmission (T) factors for a collimated incident beam on an anisotropically scattering media, for a wide range of absorption ($kappa@) and scattering ($sigma@) coefficients per unit length. The results (R,T) obtained for anisotropic scatterers (g $DNEQ 0, $kappa@, $sigma@) are systematically compared to those (R$PRM@, T$PRM@) obtained in the case of the equivalent isotropic configuration (g$PRM $EQ 0, $kappa$PRM@, $sigma$PRM@) as deduced from the similarity relations. !27
机译:摘要:我们讨论了定标原理的有效性和精度,该定标原理可用于将各向异性散射的介质(g $ DNEQ 0,g为散射角的平均余弦)中的辐射传递问题转换为等效的各向同性问题(g $ EQ 0)。蒙特卡洛模型用于计算各向异性散射介质上准直入射光束在大范围内的吸收系数(kappa @)和散射系数(sigma @)的反射(R)和透射(T)因子每单位长度。系统地比较了各向异性散射体(g $ DNEQ 0,$ kappa @,$ sigma @)的结果(R,T)与等效各向同性配置情况下获得的结果(R $ PRM @,T $ PRM @) (g $ PRM $ EQ 0,$ kappa $ PRM @,$ sigma $ PRM @)从相似关系推导。 !27



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