
Matching Patient Records to Clinical Trials Using Ontologies


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This paper describes a large case study that explores the applicability of ontology reasoning to problems in the medical domain. We investigate whether it is possible to use such reasoning to automate common clinical tasks that are currently labor intensive and error prone, and focus our case study on improving cohort selection for clinical trials. An obstacle to automating such clinical tasks is the need to bridge the semantic gulf between raw patient data, such as laboratory tests or specific medications, and the way a clinician interprets this data. Our key insight is that matching patients to clinical trials can be formulated as a problem of semantic retrieval. We describe the technical challenges to building a realistic case study, which include problems related to scalability, the integration of large ontologies, and dealing with noisy, inconsistent data. Our solution is based on the SNOMED CT(R) ontology, and scales to one year of patient records (approx. 240,000 patients).
机译:本文描述了一个大型案例研究,探讨了本体推理对医学领域问题的适用性。我们调查是否有可能使用这种推理来自动化当前劳动密集型和容易出错的常见临床任务,并将我们的案例研究集中在改善临床试验的队列选择上。自动化此类临床任务的障碍是,需要在原始患者数据(例如实验室测试或特定药物)之间以及在临床医生解释此数据的方式之间架起语义鸿沟。我们的主要见识在于,将患者与临床试验相匹配可以说成是语义检索的问题。我们描述了构建实际案例研究的技术挑战,其中包括与可伸缩性,大型本体的集成以及处理嘈杂的不一致数据有关的问题。我们的解决方案基于SNOMED CT(R)本体,可扩展到一年的患者记录(约240,000位患者)。



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