首页> 外文会议>Asia-Pacific conference on environmental electromagnetics(CEEM' 2003) >Observation of sprites over the Sea of Japan and conditions for lightning-induced sprites in winter

Observation of sprites over the Sea of Japan and conditions for lightning-induced sprites in winter


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We have succeeded in observing sprites for winter lightning in the Hokuriku area (Japan Sea side) of Japan in the winter of 2001/2002. The optical results on three days are compared with the corresponding characteristics of parent (causative) lightning with particular attention to the significant differences between Hokuriku winter lightning and the more widely studied continental lightning. Despite significant differences with Hokuriku winter lightning. We have found nearly the same sprite properties as already observed in the U.S. continent with a significant difference (simpler shape for Hokuriku winter sprite). Then, we have also discussed the criteria for sprite occurrence. Specifically, two similar criteria are found: (1) cloud-to-ground discharges of positive polarity and (2) the presence of a certain threshold in vertical charge moment(2000-300C · km) (roughly consistent with that for the U.S. continent). Mesoscale convective systems are not necessary to store the charge necessary for sprites, but the parent Hokuriku winter clouds are substantially smaller than the minimum scale for sprite occurrence in the continental lightning, but it is larger in area than ordinary summer thunderclouds. However, there may exit another condition such as clustering or self-organizing effect of thunderclouds for sprite production.
机译:在2001/2002年冬季,我们成功地观测了日本北陆地区(日本海一侧)的冬季雷电精灵。将三天的光学结果与母体(致使)闪电的相应特征进行比较,尤其要注意北陆冬季闪电与研究更广泛的大陆闪电之间的显着差异。尽管与北陆冬季闪电存在显着差异。我们已经发现了与美国大陆几乎相同的精灵属性,但有显着差异(北陆冬季精灵的形状更简单)。然后,我们还讨论了精灵发生的标准。具体而言,发现了两个类似的标准:(1)正极性的云对地放电;(2)垂直电荷矩(2000-300C·km)中存在某个阈值(与美国大陆的大致一致) )。中尺度对流系统不是必要的,以存储子画面所需的电荷,但是北陆冬季母云远小于大陆闪电中子画面发生的最小尺度,但其面积却比普通的夏季雷云大。但是,可能还存在其他情况,例如雷云的聚类或自组织效应以生成子画面。



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