首页> 外文会议>ASC 18th annual technical conference >Mechanical Properties of Panels Fabricated by theVARTM Processed Composites Using Different Fibersand Fabric Architectures

Mechanical Properties of Panels Fabricated by theVARTM Processed Composites Using Different Fibersand Fabric Architectures


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This paper describes the materials and procedures required to fabricate panels by the VARTMrnprocess utilizing one resin matrix and two different fibers and their architectures. These panels werernthen cut into test coupons and the mechanical properties were determined. The matrix used was DowrnChemical’s Derakane 510A-40, a brominated vinyl ester. This matrix is considered a fire retardantrnresin suitable for the VARTM process. The reinforcements used were FGI’s 1854 Rovcloth, FGI’srn1800-S2 Knitmat, and Devold AMT AS’s LT 650-C12. The first material is an 18 ounce woven rovingrnusing E-Glass and the second is a biaxial stitch bonded E-Glass with alternating warp and welt. Thernthird reinforcement is biaxial stitch bonded T700 carbon fiber with alternating warp and welt. Twornby three feet by 0.10-inch thick panels were molded from each of these reinforcements. Panels wererncut into coupons for mechanical property measurement. Coupons for tensile, compression, in-planernshear and short beam shear test were cut in both the warp and welt directions and theirrncorresponding properties were measured and compared for fibers of different architecture and type.
机译:本文介绍了使用一种树脂基质和两种不同纤维的VARTMrn工艺制造面板所需的材料和步骤。然后将这些板切成测试试样并确定机械性能。使用的基质是DowrnChemical的Derakane 510A-40,一种溴化乙烯基酯。该基质被认为是适用于VARTM工艺的阻燃树脂。所使用的增强材料是FGI的1854 Rovcloth,FGI的rnrn1800-S2 Knitmat和Devold AMT AS的LT 650-C12。第一种材料是使用E玻璃的18盎司编织粗纱,第二种是经线和纬线交替的双轴缝编E型玻璃。第三种增强材料是双轴缝编T700碳纤维,具有交替的经线和纬线。由这些增强材料中的每一个模制而成的2×3英尺×0.10英寸厚的面板。将板切成试样以进行机械性能测量。在经向和纬向两个方向均剪切了拉伸,压缩,平面内剪切和短梁剪切试验的试样,并测量了它们的相应性能,并比较了不同结构和类型的纤维。



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