
Future trends in image coding


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Abstract: The objective of this article is to present a discussion on the future of image data compression in the next two decades. It is virtually impossible to predict with any degree of certainty the breakthroughs in theory and developments, the milestones in advancement of technology and the success of the upcoming commercial products in the market place which will be the main factors in establishing the future stage to image coding. What we propose to do, instead, is look back at the progress in image coding during the last two decades and assess the state of the art in image coding today. Then, by observing the trends in developments of theory, software, and hardware coupled with the future needs for use and dissemination of imagery data and the constraints on the bandwidth and capacity of various networks, predict the future state of image coding. What seems to be certain today is the growing need for bandwidth compression. The television is using a technology which is half a century old and is ready to be replaced by high definition television with an extremely high digital bandwidth. Smart telephones coupled with personal computers and TV monitors accommodating both printed and video data will be common in homes and businesses within the next decade. Efficient and compact digital processing modules using developing technologies will make bandwidth compressed imagery the cheap and preferred alternative in satellite and on-board applications. In view of the above needs, we expect increased activities in development of theory, software, special purpose chips and hardware for image bandwidth compression in the next two decades. The following sections summarize the future trends in these areas. !8
机译:摘要:本文的目的是提出有关未来二十年图像数据压缩的未来的讨论。几乎不可能肯定地预测理论和发展的突破,技术进步的里程碑以及市场上即将推出的商业产品的成功,而这将是建立图像编码未来阶段的主要因素。 。相反,我们建议做的是回顾过去二十年来图像编码的进展,并评估当今图像编码的最新状态。然后,通过观察理论,软件和硬件的发展趋势,以及对图像数据的使用和分发的未来需求以及各种网络的带宽和容量的限制,可以预测图像编码的未来状态。今天似乎可以确定的是,对带宽压缩的需求不断增长。电视使用的技术已有半个世纪的历史,可以被具有极高数字带宽的高清电视取代。在未来十年内,智能电话以及可同时容纳印刷和视频数据的个人计算机和电视监视器将在家庭和企业中普及。使用开发技术的高效紧凑的数字处理模块将使带宽压缩图像成为卫星和机载应用中廉价且首选的替代产品。鉴于上述需求,我们预计在未来二十年中,将在用于图像带宽压缩的理论,软件,专用芯片和硬件的开发方面进行更多的活动。以下各节总结了这些领域的未来趋势。 !8



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