
Difference of calendering and Dochim effects on paper surface properties


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Hanji is a traditional Korean handmade paper, which has been known in ancient Far East as an excellent quality calligraphic paper for more than 1,500 year. Hanji is mostly made of Korean paper mulberry bast fibers, and if properly processed, normally lasts for more than 1,000 years with significant strength and still recognizable calligraphic writings or drawings on it. Dochim is a special way of Hanji calendering process, but is turned out to be quite different from modern calendering (machine hard nip calendering) in several aspects. In Dochim process, mechanical impacts were applied vertically to the surface of papers. Compared to the modern hard nip calendering, the Dochim process increased paper gloss much more. The degrees of smoothness improvement and paper densification by the Dochim process were largely dependent upon the fiber types of the papers.
机译:汉字是韩国传统的手工纸,在远东地区已有1500多年的历史了,被誉为优质书法纸。汉字主要由韩国造纸的桑皮韧皮纤维制成,如果经过适当的加工,通常可以保持1000多年的历史,并且强度很高,并且在其上仍可识别书法文字或绘画。 Dochim是Hanji压延过程的一种特殊方式,但事实证明它在某些方面与现代压延(机器硬压区压延)有很大不同。在Dochim工艺中,机械冲击垂直施加到纸张表面。与现代的硬压区压光相比,Dochim工艺可以更大程度地提高纸张光泽度。通过Dochim工艺提高的平滑度和纸张致密化程度在很大程度上取决于纸张的纤维类型。



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