
Refining Optimisation of Secondary Fibre - use of Bijective Diagram Technique


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A detailed description and results of a pilot scale laboratory refining investigation of upgraded mixed brown waste furnish using a 12" single disk is presented. Use of Bijective Diagram technique, originally developed by French Paper School and Bonpertuis Steelworks, France is found to be a powerful technique in optimising fillings of low consistency refiners and refining parameters for secondary fibre. For a given specific refining energy, refiner tackles, such as sum of the grinding angles, grinding code and sectorisation angle of the refiner plates have significant effects on development of pulp characteristics through refining. For the upgraded 100% waste furnish studied, the use of refiner plates, with the sum of the grinding angles having higher value, gave significantly improved strength development over the range of specific refining energy investigated, at constant specific edge load, grinding code and sectorisation angle of the refiner plates. Typical improvement in key paper properties of handsheet made from recycled pulp samples, refined at 45 kWh/t net specific refining energy, are between 10% and 20% higher. For the secondary fibre investigated, higher refining intensity had more cutting effect on fibre, rather than fiberizing. For this pulp, the optimum SEL is found to be 0.5 Ws/m.
机译:介绍了使用12英寸单盘对升级的混合棕色废料进行中试规模的实验室精炼研究的详细说明和结果。使用Bijective Diagram技术最初是由法国造纸学校和法国Bonpertuis Steelworks开发的,具有强大的功能优化低浓稠度磨浆机的填充物和次级纤维的磨浆参数的技术,对于给定的特定磨浆能量,磨浆机的攻角(例如磨浆机的磨角,磨碎代号和扇形角之和)对纸浆特性的发展有重要影响对于研究的升级版100%废料,在恒定的特定边缘载荷下,在所研究的特定精炼能量范围内,使用精磨机板以及更高的研磨角度总和,可以显着改善强度发展。精磨机板的代码和扇形角度关键键的典型改进由再生纸浆样品制成的手抄纸的特性(以45 kWh / t的净比净精炼能量精炼)高10%至20%。对于所研究的二次纤维,较高的精制强度对纤维的切割效果更大,而不是纤维化。对于该纸浆,发现最佳SEL为0.5 Ws / m。



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