首页> 外文会议>Annual Loss Prevention Symposium; 20060424-27; Orlando,FL(US) >Rational design of pharmaceutical formulations prepared by high shear wet granulation:Introduction evaluation of the Solid-Liquid-Interaction classification

Rational design of pharmaceutical formulations prepared by high shear wet granulation:Introduction evaluation of the Solid-Liquid-Interaction classification




High shear wet granulation is a process that involves intensive mixing of powders and fluid, whichresults in the formation of granules. The type and amount of fluid is critical in the preparation ofgranulations with acceptable processing attributes. Improper granulation causes problems in downstreamprocesses, which include caking, segregation and poor tableting performance [1]. It has beenobserved that different formulations prepared by the same process can require significantly differentamounts of fluid to yield product of similar granularity. The central hypothesis of the work describedhere is that differences in the sorption potential and solubility of solids are responsible for theirdifferent interactions with fluids. The objective was thus to define concepts for the rational selection offluid levels. A concept has been developed, which involves grouping materials according to theirsolubility and sorption potential and is referred to as the Solid-Liquid-Interaction (SLI) classification.The SLI-concept was probed by analysing the data generated for batches prepared as part of a screeningdesign for an in-house development program. The design variables were the levels of drug,hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), croscarmellose sodium, microcrystalline cellulose andgranulating fluid. The granulator power data for each run was used as a surrogate for the extent ofgranulation and it was found that the combination of low formulation sorption potential and high fluidlevel correlated to high granulator power, and vice versa, with fluid level modulating the effect of theformulation sorption potential. A more detailed study was then conducted using placebo formulationscontaining HPMC, croscarmellose sodium, microcrystalline cellulose and lactose. These formulationswere granulated with water, dried in a vacuum oven and analysed for particle size. The focus was onthe (0,1) SLI-class materials croscarmellose sodium and microcrystalline cellulose, which arecharacterised by low solubility and high sorption potential and were studied over a wide range of fluidlevels. The results followed the trends expected from the SLI-concept and showed that the fluid leveladjustments required to compensate for differences in ingredient levels could be calculated for thestudied system. However, these fluid level adjustments were also found to be a function of the extent ofgranulation, e.g. for granulations with coarse fractions (>1000 μm) of 15 versus 44% an increase in thecroscarmellose sodium level from 3 to 5% required fluid level increases of 7.1 versus 2.5%. Thissuggests that fluid level adjustments are difficult to estimate for unstudied systems. Further work willbe required to understand this at a more fundamental level.The overall conclusion was that a good understanding of the solid-liquid-interactions has the potentialto minimise the need for experimentation and to maximise the probability of success of the process.This is of particular relevance in the early stages of development when formulations change frequently.
机译:高剪切湿法制粒是一种涉及粉末和流体强烈混合的过程, 导致形成颗粒。液体的类型和数量在制备过程中至关重要。 具有可接受的加工属性的颗粒。造粒不当会在下游造成问题 过程,包括结块,分离和压片性能差[1]。它一直 观察到通过同一过程制备的不同配方可能需要明显不同 产生相似粒度产品的液体量。所描述工作的中心假设 这是固体的吸附电位和溶解度的差异是造成它们的原因 与流体的不同相互作用。因此,目标是确定合理选择的概念。 液位。已经开发出一种概念,其中涉及根据材料进行分组 溶解度和吸附潜力,称为固液相互作用(SLI)分类。 通过分析为筛选过程准备的批次生成的数据来探究SLI概念 内部开发程序的设计。设计变量是药物水平, 羟丙基甲基纤维素(HPMC),交联羧甲基纤维素钠,微晶纤维素和 制粒液。每次运行的制粒机功率数据用作替代范围的替代 造粒,发现低配方吸附潜力和高流体结合 液位与制粒机的高功率相关,反之亦然,而液位则调节了制粒机的效果。 制剂的吸附潜力。然后使用安慰剂制剂进行了更详细的研究 包含HPMC,交联羧甲基纤维素钠,微晶纤维素和乳糖。这些公式 将其用水制粒,在真空烘箱中干燥并分析粒度。重点是 (0,1)SLI级材料交联羧甲基纤维素钠和微晶纤维素是 具有低溶解度和高吸附潜力的特点,并已在广泛的流体中进行了研究 水平。结果遵循了SLI概念的预期趋势,并显示了液位 可以针对以下因素计算出补偿成分水平差异所需的调整: 研究系统。但是,还发现这些液位调节与压力范围的函数有关。 造粒,例如粗粒级分(> 1000μm)为15的颗粒与44%的颗粒度相比增加了 交联羧甲基纤维素钠的含量从3%增至5%,所需液位增加了7.1%,而液体含量增加了2.5%。这 这表明,对于未研究的系统,很难估算出液位调整量。进一步的工作将 需要从更基本的层面上理解这一点。 总的结论是,对固液相互作用的良好理解具有潜在的潜力。 以最大程度地减少对实验的需求,并最大程度地提高过程成功的可能性。 当配方经常变化时,这在开发的早期阶段特别重要。



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