
A High-Throughput Approach for Associating microRNAs with Their Activity Conditions


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Plant microRNAs (miRNAs) are short RNA sequences that bind to target mRNAs and change their expression levels by influencing their stabilities and marking them for cleavage. We present a high throughput approach for associating between microRNAs and conditions in which they act, using novel statistical and algorithmic measures. Our new prototype tool, miRNAXpress, computes a (binary) matrix T denoting the potential targets of microRNAs. Then, using T and an additional predefined matrix X indicating expression of genes under various conditions, it produces a new matrix that predicts associations between microRNAs and the conditions in which they act. The computational intensive part of miRNAXpress is the calculation of T. We provide a hybridization search algorithm which given a query microRNA, a text mRNA, and a predefined energy cutoff threshold, finds and reports all targets (putative binding sites) of the query in the text with binding energy below the predefined threshold. In order to speed it up, we utilize the sparsity of the search space without sacrificing the optimality of the results. Consequently, the time complexity of the search algorithm is almost linear in the size of a sparse set of locations where base-pairs are stacked at a height of three or more. We employed our tool to conduct a study, using the plant Arabidop-sis thaliana as our model organism. By applying miRNAXpress to 98 microRNAs and 380 conditions, some biologically interesting and statistically strong relations were discovered.
机译:植物微RNA(miRNA)是短RNA序列,可与靶mRNA结合并通过影响其稳定性并标记其裂解来改变其表达水平。我们提出了一种高通量的方法,可以使用新颖的统计和算法手段将microRNA与它们在其中起作用的条件相关联。我们的新原型工具miRNAXpress计算出一个(二进制)矩阵T,该矩阵表示微RNA的潜在靶标。然后,使用T和一个额外的预定义矩阵X来指示基因在各种条件下的表达,它会产生一个新的矩阵,该矩阵可预测microRNA与它们在其中起作用的条件之间的关联。 miRNAXpress的计算密集型部分是T的计算。我们提供了一种杂交搜索算法,该算法给出查询microRNA,文本mRNA和预定义的能量截止阈值,在查询中找到并报告查询的所有目标(可能的结合位点)。具有低于预定义阈值的结合能的文本。为了加快速度,我们在不牺牲结果最优性的情况下利用了搜索空间的稀疏性。因此,搜索算法的时间复杂度在稀疏位置的大小上几乎是线性的,在这些稀疏位置中,碱基对以3个或更多的高度堆叠。我们使用植物拟南芥为模型生物,利用我们的工具进行了研究。通过将miRNAXpress应用于98种microRNA和380种条件,发现了一些生物学上有趣的和统计学上很强的关系。



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