
LibRob: An Autonomous Assistive Librarian




This study explores how new robotic systems can help library users efficiently locate the book they require. A survey conducted among Imperial College students has shown an absence of a time-efficient and organised method to find the books they are looking for in the college library. The solution implemented, LibRob, is an automated assistive robot that gives guidance to the users in finding the book they are searching for in an interactive manner to deliver a more satisfactory experience. LibRob is able to process a search request either by speech or by text and return a list of relevant books by author, subject or title. Once the user selects the book of interest, LibRob guides them to the shelf containing the book, then returns to its base station on completion. Experimental results demonstrate that the robot reduces the time necessary to find a book by 47.4%, and left 80% of the users satisfied with their experience, proving that human-robot interactions can greatly improve the efficiency of basic activities within a library environment.
机译:这项研究探索了新的机器人系统如何帮助图书馆用户有效地找到他们需要的书。在帝国理工学院的学生中进行的一项调查显示,缺少一种省时,有条理的方法来在大学图书馆中查找他们想要的书。实施的解决方案LibRob是一种自动辅助机器人,可以为用户提供指导,以交互方式查找他们要搜索的书,以提供更令人满意的体验。 LibRob能够通过语音或文本处理搜索请求,并按作者,主题或标题返回相关书籍的列表。一旦用户选择了感兴趣的书,LibRob会将其引导到包含该书的书架,然后在完成时返回其基站。实验结果表明,该机器人将查找书籍所需的时间减少了47.4%,并使80%的用户对他们的体验感到满意,证明了人机交互可以大大提高图书馆环境中基本活动的效率。



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