
Cellular automaton model for simulating tissue-specific intestinal electrophysiological activity




Depletion of interstitial cell of Cajal (ICC) networks is known to occur in various gastrointestinal (GI) motility disorders. Although techniques for quantifying the structure of ICC networks are available, the ICC network structure-function relationships are yet to be well elucidated. Existing methods of relating ICC structure to function are computationally expensive, and it is difficult to up-scale them to larger multiscale simulations. A new cellular automaton model for simulating tissue-specific slow wave propagation was developed, and in preliminary studies the automaton model was applied on jejunal ICC network structures from wild-type and 5-HT2B receptor knockout (ICC depleted) mice. Two metrics were also developed to quantify the simulated propagation patterns: 1) ICC and 2) non-ICC activation lag metrics. These metrics measured the average delay in time taken for the slow wave to propagate across the ICC and non-ICC domain throughout the entire network compared to the theoretical fastest propagation, respectively. Slow wave propagation was successfully simulated across the ICC networks with greatly reduced computational time compared to previous methods, and the propagation pattern metrics quantitatively revealed an impaired propagation during ICC depletion. In conclusion, the developed slow wave propagation model and propagation pattern metrics offer a computationally efficient framework for relating ICC structure to function. These tools can now be further applied to define ICC structure-function relationships across various spatial and temporal scales.



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