
A self produced mother wavelet feature extraction method for motor imagery brain-computer interface




Motor imagery base brain-computer interface (BCI) is an appropriate solution for stroke patient to rehabilitate and communicate with external world. For such applications speculating whether the subjects are doing motor imagery is our primary mission. So the problem turns into how to precisely classify the two tasks, motor imagery and idle state, by using the subjects' electroencephalographic (EEG) signals. Feature extraction is a factor that significantly affects the classification result. Based on the concept of Continuous Wavelet Transform, we proposed a wavelet-liked feature extraction method for motor imagery discrimination. And to compensate the problem that the feature varies between subjects, we use the subjects' own EEG signals as the mother wavelet. After determining the feature vector, we choose Bayes linear discriminant analysis (LDA) as our classifier. The BCI competition III dataset IVa is used to evaluate the classification performance. Comparing with variance and fast Fourier transform (FFT) methods in feature extraction, 2.02% and 16.96% improvement in classification accuracy are obtained in this work respectively.
机译:基于运动图像的脑机接口(BCI)是中风患者康复并与外界沟通的合适解决方案。对于此类应用,推测被摄对象是否正在做运动成像是我们的主要任务。因此,问题就变成了如何通过使用受检者的脑电图(EEG)信号对运动图像和空闲状态这两个任务进行精确分类。特征提取是显着影响分类结果的因素。基于连续小波变换的概念,提出了一种类似小波特征的运动图像特征提取方法。为了弥补特征随受试者而变化的问题,我们使用受试者自己的EEG信号作为母小波。确定特征向量后,我们选择贝叶斯线性判别分析(LDA)作为我们的分类器。 BCI竞赛III数据集IVa用于评估分类性能。与特征提取中的方差和快速傅里叶变换(FFT)方法相比,该方法分别在分类精度上提高了2.02%和16.96%。



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