
Is desktop publishing really for every desktop?




As users contemplate the move to DTP products, it is critical that their expectations are realistic and acceptable. Essential to the success of any DTP implementation is the recognition of the 'hidden' responsibilities placed on the user. There must be a realization, for example, that there is a significant amount of individual expertise required to go from word processing to desktop publishing, and the DTP practitioner will be making the same design decisions as those made by highly trained graphic artists and typographers. Within most organizations it is difficult to find one person who can write, edit, do page layout, and produce graphics for a publication. Each publication, be it system or user documentation, newsletter, system notice, workshop and lecture schedule, brochure, or flyer, has its own set of design and publishing requirements. In spite of what the salesperson may tell you, DTP may not be the greatest invention since the light bulb. You can guarantee, however, that they will keep you in the dark about more appropriate products, simply because they may not be able to demonstrate them effectively. Depending on the type of publication you prepare, DTP may not answer all your publishing needs. Yet, there are practical steps you can follow to see if DTP is the appropriate choice to enhance and improve your publications.



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