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Scalable, MDP-based planning for multiple, cooperating agents




This paper introduces an approximation algorithm for stochastic multi-agent planning based on Markov decision processes (MDPs). Specifically, we focus on a decentralized approach for planning the actions of a team of cooperating agents with uncertainties in fuel consumption and health-related models. The core idea behind the algorithm presented in this paper is to allow each agent to approximate the representation of its teammates. Each agent therefore maintains its own planner that fully enumerates its local states and actions while approximating those of its teammates. In prior work, the authors approximated each teammate individually, which resulted in a large reduction of the planning space, but remained exponential (in n − 1 rather than in n, where n is the number of agents) in computational scalability. This paper extends the approach and presents a new approximation that aggregates all teammates into a single, abstracted entity. Under the persistent search & track mission scenario with 3 agents, we show that while resulting performance is decreased nearly 20% compared with the centralized optimal solution, the problem size becomes linear in n, a very attractive feature when planning online for large multi-agent teams.
机译:本文介绍了一种基于马尔可夫决策过程(MDP)的随机多主体规划近似算法。具体来说,我们集中于一种分散的方法来计划由燃料消耗和健康相关模型不确定的合作代理商团队的行动。本文提出的算法背后的核心思想是允许每个特工近似其队友的代表。因此,每个特工都拥有自己的计划者,该计划者会在枚举其队友状态时充分枚举其本地状态和行为。在先前的工作中,作者分别估计了每个队友,从而大大减少了规划空间,但在计算可扩展性方面保持指数级(在n -1而不是n,其中n是代理的数量)。本文扩展了该方法,并提出了一种新的近似方法,它将所有队友聚集到一个抽象的实体中。在具有3个代理的持久搜索和跟踪任务场景下,我们显示,与集中式最佳解决方案相比,虽然性能降低了近20%,但问题的大小在n中呈线性变化,这是在线计划大型多智能体时非常有吸引力的功能团队。



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