
Thermal Cleaned Reusable Ceramic Fiber Depth Filter


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Ceramic fibers and a ceramic binder system capable of operating to 1,000oCrnhave been developed into a cost effective filter media for gas and liquid filtration.rnThis filter concept represents a technical breakthrough in high-temperaturernfiltration. It also offers a filter capable of trapping organic or carbonaceousrnparticulate to be cleaned in situ, without generating disposal of hazardous wasternproducts. The cartridge is, therefore, reusable for a large number of filtrationrncycles. The ceramic media can be easily pleated to form any shape or size filterrnthat an application might require. The filter media porosity can be adjusted fromrn100 micron pore sizes down to 0.1 micron pores. This work shows test apparatusrnand data on both high temperature fluid streams and low temperature streamsrnwhere captured organic or carbonaceous particulate can be cleaned by applyingrnheat or microwave energy to the filter. Application tests and results for dieselrnexhaust and for restaurant hood grease emissions are shown. Prospectivernapplications for future testing in coal-fired steam plants and food processing arerndiscussed.



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