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Overview of the INEX 2008 Book Track

机译:INEX 2008图书总览

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This paper provides an overview of the INEX 2008 Book Track. Now in its second year, the track aimed at broadening its scope by investigating topics of interest in the fields of information retrieval, human computer interaction, digital libraries, and eBooks. The main topics of investigation were defined around challenges for supporting users in reading, searching, and navigating the full texts of digitized books. Based on these themes, four tasks were defined: 1) The Book Retrieval task aimed at comparing traditional and book-specific retrieval approaches, 2) the Page in Context task aimed at evaluating the value of focused retrieval approaches for searching books, 3) the Structure Extraction task aimed to test automatic techniques for deriving structure from OCR and layout information, and 4) the Active Reading task aimed to explore suitable user interfaces for eBooks enabling reading, annotation, review, and summary across multiple books. We report on the setup and results of each of these tasks.
机译:本文概述了INEX 2008的书目。现在是第二年,该课程旨在通过调查信息检索,人机交互,数字图书馆和电子书等领域的主题来扩大其范围。调查的主要主题围绕支持用户阅读,搜索和浏览数字化图书全文所面临的挑战而定义。根据这些主题,定义了四个任务:1)图书检索任务,旨在比较传统和特定于书籍的检索方法; 2)上下文中的页面任务,旨在评估针对书籍的集中检索方法的价值; 3) “结构提取”任务旨在测试用于从OCR和布局信息中获取结构的自动技术,以及4)“主动阅读”任务旨在探索适合电子书的用户界面,从而实现对多本书的阅读,注释,查看和摘要。我们报告每个任务的设置和结果。



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