首页> 外文会议>Advances in Adaptive Optics II pt.2 >Extreme Adaptive Optics using an off-axis subaperture on a ground-based telescope

Extreme Adaptive Optics using an off-axis subaperture on a ground-based telescope


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The next generation of adaptive optics (AO) systems, often referred to as extreme adaptive optics (ExAO), will use higher numbers of actuators to achieve wavefront correction levels below 100 nm, and so enable a host of new observations such as high-contrast coronagraphy. However, the number of potential coronagraph types is increasing rapidly, and selection of the most advantageous coronagraph is subject to many factors. Here it is pointed out that experiments in the ExAO regime can already be carried out with existing hardware, by using a well-corrected subaperture on an existing telescope. For example, by magnifying a 1.5 m diameter off-axis subaperture onto the AO system's deformable mirror (DM) on the Palomar Hale telescope, we have recently achieved stellar Strehl ratios as high as 92% to 94%, corresponding to wavefront errors of 85 - 100 nm. Using this approach, a wide variety of ExaO experiments can thus be carried out well before "next generation" ExAO systems are deployed on large telescopes. The potential experiments include infrared ExAO imaging and performance optimization, a comparison of coronagraphic approaches in the ExAO regime, visible wavelength AO, and predictive AO.
机译:下一代自适应光学(AO)系统,通常称为极限自适应光学(ExAO),将使用更多数量的致动器来实现低于100 nm的波阵面校正水平,因此可以进行许多新的观察,例如高对比度冠冕仪。但是,潜在的日冕仪类型的数量正在迅速增加,最有利的日冕仪的选择受许多因素的影响。这里要指出的是,通过在现有望远镜上使用经过良好校正的子孔径,可以使用现有硬件在ExAO机制中进行实验。例如,通过在Palomar Hale望远镜的AO系统的可变形反射镜(DM)上放大1.5 m直径的偏轴子孔径,我们最近实现了高达92%到94%的恒星Strehl比率,对应于85的波前误差-100纳米使用这种方法,就可以在将“下一代” ExAO系统部署到大型望远镜上之前很好地进行各种ExaO实验。潜在的实验包括红外ExAO成像和性能优化,ExAO方案中的电晕方法比较,可见波长AO和预测性AO。



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