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Key Factors for a Proper Available-Bandwidth-Based Flow Admission Control in Ad-Hoc Wireless Sensor Networks


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In this paper, first, we present our simulation studies that help to outline key factors for a proper available-bandwidth-based flow admission control in ad-hoc Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). In most cases, WSNs use the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, therefore our simulation studies are based on the same standard. The identified key factors are: (ⅰ) the overheads (back-off, retransmission, contention window, ACK packet, and ACK waiting time) associated with the unslotted IEEE 802.15.4 Carrier Sense Multiple Access Collision Avoidance (CSMA-CA) MAC layer protocol reduce the amount of available bandwidth, (ⅱ) the impact of the MAC layer overheads on a node's available bandwidth is a function of the number of active transmitters and data traffic load within the interference range of the node, (ⅲ) contention count on a node that is not on a flow's data forwarding path is a function of the number of active transmitters (along the flow's data forwarding path) within the interference range of the node, and (ⅳ) a flow's intra-flow contention count on a node (along the flow's data forwarding path) depends on the hop-count distance of the node from the source and the destination nodes, and the node's interference range. Second, we present a survey of state-of-the-art flow admission control algorithms for ad-hoc wireless networks. The survey demonstrates that the state-of-the-art flow admission control algorithms do not completely consider the key identified factors or make incorrect assumptions about them. Third, we propose techniques that an available-bandwidth-based flow admission control algorithm can use to incorporate the key identified factors. Hence, the work presented in this paper can serve as a basis of a more effective available-bandwidth-based flow admission control algorithm for ad-hoc wireless networks.
机译:在本文中,首先,我们介绍了仿真研究,这些仿真研究有助于概述ad-hoc无线传感器网络(WSN)中适当的基于可用带宽的流接纳控制的关键因素。在大多数情况下,WSN使用IEEE 802.15.4标准,因此我们的仿真研究基于同一标准。已确定的关键因素是:(ⅰ)与未开槽的IEEE 802.15.4载波侦听多路访问避免冲突(CSMA-CA)MAC层相关的开销(退避,重传,争用窗口,ACK数据包和ACK等待时间)协议减少了可用带宽的数量,(ⅱ)MAC层开销对节点可用带宽的影响是节点干扰范围内活动发射机的数量和数据流量负载的函数,(ⅲ)争用计数流不在数据转发路径上的节点是节点干扰范围内活动发射机(沿流的数据转发路径)数量的函数,以及(ⅳ)节点上流的流内竞争计数(沿着流的数据转发路径)取决于节点到源节点和目标节点的跳数距离以及节点的干扰范围。其次,我们提出了针对ad-hoc无线网络的最新流准入控制算法的概述。调查表明,最新的流量允许控制算法并未完全考虑关键的已识别因素或对其做出错误假设。第三,我们提出了一种技术,一种基于可用带宽的流接纳控制算法可以用来合并关键的识别因素。因此,本文提出的工作可作为自组织无线网络更有效的基于可用带宽的流接纳控制算法的基础。



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