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Collision forecasting: A low-power MAC with traffic and power shaping


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In an important class of mobile networked applications, it is not computation or sensing, but radio communications that dominate the wireless nodes' power budget. While it is often required that a predefined minimum network lifetime be guaranteed at deployment time, it is nontrivial to control the power consumption of the radio communication subsystem when the network size may change over time.We present the Asynchronous Random Schedules with Collision Forecast (ARS/CF) protocol, a low-power MAC for infrastructureless single-hop networks, with MAC-level support for prescribing a power budget. Instead of relying on channel sampling or common communication schedules, ARS/CF uses randomized local transmission schedules, which are shared with neighbors within the collision domain. Collisions are forecasted by examining the transmission times in the local as well as in the neighbors' schedules. When a collision is imminent, the corresponding transmissions and receiver wake-ups are canceled ahead of time, thereby avoiding unnecessary waste of energy on both the sender and receiver side. ARS/CF controls energy consumption by dynamically adjusting transmission rates. Given a pre-set power budget, as well as an estimate of the typical number of nodes in the collision domain, we derive a closed form solution for the optimal protocol parameters, and provide guarantees that the average power draw will stay within the predefined envelope even if the actual neighborhood size is different from the estimate. We provide theoretical as well as experimental results on the performance of ARS/CF and show that it outperforms CSMA-based asynchronous low-power MACs under periodic workloads in terms of energy efficiency.
机译:在一类重要的移动联网应用中,不是计算或传感,而是无线电通信支配着无线节点的功率预算。虽然通常需要在部署时保证预定义的最小网络生存时间,但是当网络大小可能随时间变化时,控制无线电通信子系统的功耗并不容易。我们提出了带有冲突预测的异步随机调度(ARS) / CF)协议,这是一种用于无基础架构的单跳网络的低功耗MAC,具有MAC级支持以规定功耗预算。 ARS / CF不用依赖信道采样或通用通信调度,而使用随机的本地传输调度,该调度与冲突域内的邻居共享。通过检查本地以及邻居调度中的传输时间来预测冲突。当即将发生冲突时,相应的传输和接收器唤醒将被提前取消,从而避免了发送器和接收器侧不必要的能量浪费。 ARS / CF通过动态调整传输速率来控制能耗。给定预先设置的功率预算,以及对冲突域中典型节点数的估计,我们导出最佳协议参数的封闭形式解决方案,并保证平均功耗将保持在预定义的包络范围内即使实际邻域大小与估算值不同。我们提供了有关ARS / CF性能的理论和实验结果,表明在周期性工作量下,它在能效方面优于基于CSMA的异步低功耗MAC。



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