首页> 外文会议>ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference; 20061127-1201; Melbourne(AU) >Contory: A Middleware for the Provisioning of Context Information on Smart Phones

Contory: A Middleware for the Provisioning of Context Information on Smart Phones


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Context-awareness can serve to make ubiquitous applications deployed for mobile devices adaptive, personalized, and accessible in dynamically changing environments. Unfortunately, existing approaches for the provisioning of context information in ubiquitous computing environments rarely take into consideration the resource constraints of mobile devices and the uncertain availability of sensors and service infrastructures. This paper presents the design, prototype implementation, and experimental evaluation of Contory, a middleware specifically designed to accomplish efficient context provisioning on mobile devices. To make context provisioning flexible and adaptive based on dynamic operating conditions, Contory integrates multiple context provisioning strategies, namely internal sensors-based, external infrastructure-based, and distributed provisioning in ad hoc networks. Applications can request context information provided by Contory using a declarative query language which features on-demand, periodic, and event-based context queries. Experimental results obtained in a testbed of smart phones demonstrate the feasibility of our approach and quantify the cost of supporting context provisioning in terms of energy consumption.
机译:上下文感知可以使部署在移动设备上的无处不在的应用程序在动态变化的环境中具有自适应性,个性化和可访问性。不幸的是,在普适计算环境中提供上下文信息的现有方法很少考虑到移动设备的资源限制以及传感器和服务基础设施的不确定可用性。本文介绍了Contory的设计,原型实现和实验评估,Contory是一种专门设计用于在移动设备上完成有效上下文配置的中间件。为了使上下文供应能够基于动态操作条件灵活而自适应,Contory在ad hoc网络中集成了多种上下文供应策略,即基于内部传感器,基于外部基础结构和分布式的供应。应用程序可以使用具有按需,定期和基于事件的上下文查询功能的声明性查询语言来请求Contory提供的上下文信息。在智能手机的测试平台上获得的实验结果证明了我们方法的可行性,并在能耗方面量化了支持上下文配置的成本。



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