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Coagmento 2.0: A system for capturing individual and group information seeking behavior

机译:Coagmento 2.0:一种用于捕获个人和团体信息搜索行为的系统



In this demo, we present Coagmento 2.0, a Web-based, open-source platform that provides support for one working in individual or group projects spanning multiple sessions that involve looking for, collecting, and synthesizing information. The system also provides a highly customizable platform for researchers who want to investigate individual and group information seeking behaviors in a lab or a field setting. The demo not only shows back-end components and front-end interaction elements of the system, but also how one could easily configure Coagmento for user studies involving information seeking/retrieval with digital libraries (including the Web).
机译:在此演示中,我们介绍Coagmento 2.0,这是一个基于Web的开放源代码平台,它为跨多个会话的单个或小组项目中的工作提供支持,这些会话涉及寻找,收集和综合信息。该系统还为想要研究个人和团体信息的研究人员提供了高度可定制的平台,以寻求在实验室或现场环境中的行为。该演示不仅展示了系统的后端组件和前端交互元素,还展示了如何轻松地配置Coagmento进行用户研究,其中涉及使用数字图书馆(包括Web)进行信息查找/检索。



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