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Managing diseases and insect pests of hybrid rice in China


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Diseases and insect pests which occur in hybrid rice in China are similar to those which occur in inbred rice. Major diseases and insect pests are blast ( Pyricularia oryzae ), sheath blight ( Thanatephorus cucumeris [ Rhizoctonia solani ]), bacterial blight ( Xanthomonas oryzae ), stem borer, rice planthopper, and leaffolder ( Cnaphalocrocis medinalis ). As the characteristics and cultural practices of hybrid rice are different from those of inbred rice, the occurrence of diseases and insect pests in hybrid rice has its own distinguishing features. In southern China, were high-yielding hybrid rice is the major crop, the strategy for disease and insect control involves integrated pest management (IPM) as the main method and artificial regulation as the subordinate one. The key technical measures include the develop ment of resistant varieties, cultural control, protection and use of natural enemies,and rational use of chemicals. In 1986-90, the above measures were undertaken in six provinces (Sichuan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei, Hunan, and Guangdong), the area of ricefields where IPM was practiced reached 6.60 million ha, and the economic,social, and ecological benefits obtained were very significant. The direct economic benefit was worth US$0.1-0.2 billion.
机译:中国杂交稻中发生的病虫害与自交稻中发生的病虫害相似。主要疾病和害虫是​​稻瘟病(Pyricularia oryzae),鞘枯萎病(Thanatephorus cucumeris [Rhizoctonia solani]),细菌枯萎病(Xanthomonas oryzae),stem虫,稻飞虱和折叶虫(Cnaphalocrocis medinalis)。由于杂交稻的特性和栽培实践与自交稻不同,杂交稻中病虫害的发生具有自己的特色。在中国南方,高产杂交稻是主要农作物,病虫害防治策略以病虫害综合治理(IPM)为主要方法,以人工调控为辅。关键技术措施包括抗性品种的开发,文化控制,天敌的保护和使用以及合理使用化学药品。在1986-90年间,在六个省(四川,江苏,浙江,湖北,湖南和广东)采取了上述措施,实施IPM的稻田面积达到660万公顷,并带来了经济,社会和生态效益。获得的意义非常重大。直接经济收益为1. 2亿美元。



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