
Self-Organization of Innate Face Preferences: Could Genetics Be Expressed Through Learning?


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Self-organizing models develop realistic cortical structures when given approximations of the visual environment as in-put, and are an effective way to model the development of face recognition abilities. However, environment-driven self-organization alone cannot account for the fact that newborn human infants will preferentially attend to face-like stimuli even immediately after birth. Recently it has been proposed that internally generated input patterns, such as those found in the developing retina and in PGO waves during REM sleep, may have the same effect on self-organization as does the external environment. Internal pattern generators constitute an efficient way to specify, develop, and maintain function-ally appropriate perceptual organization. They may help exppress complex structures from minimal genetic information, and retain this genetic structure within a highly plastic sys-tem. Simulations with the CRF-LISSOM model show that such providing a computational framework for examining how genetic influences interact with experience to construct a complex system.
机译:当给出视觉环境的近似值时,自组织模型会形成逼真的皮质结构,并且是对人脸识别能力发展进行建模的有效方法。但是,仅凭环境驱动的自我组织并不能解释这样一个事实,即新生婴儿即使在出生后也会立即优先接受类似面部的刺激。最近,已经提出内部产生的输入模式,例如在快速眼动睡眠期间在发育中的视网膜和PGO波中发现的输入模式,对自我组织的影响可能与外部环境相同。内部模式生成器是指定,开发和维护功能上适当的感知组织的有效方法。它们可能有助于从最少的遗传信息中表达复杂的结构,并将这种遗传结构保留在高度可塑性的系统中。 CRF-LISSOM模型的仿真表明,这为检查遗传影响与经验如何相互作用以构建复杂系统提供了计算框架。



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