首页> 外文会议>9th Annual North American Waste to Energy Conference (NAWTEC 9), 9th, May 5-9, 2001, Miami, Florida >WATER RECLAMATION PRACTICES AT THE PINELLAS COUNTY (FL) RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITY



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The Pinellas County Resource Recovery Facility (PCRRF) combusts 3,150 tons per day of municipal solid waste from Pinellas County, Florida and produces 75 megawatts (MW) of electrical generation capacity. The facility requires about 1.7 million gallons per day (MGD) of makeup water for the cooling tower and up to 200 thousand gallons per day of high-purity water for boiler makeup. The facility currently uses recovered storm water for cooling during summer months (rainy season) and treated municipal wastewater ("reclaimed water") during the winter months (dry season). The facility currently uses potable water for boiler makeup and is planning to use reclaimed water in the future. Use of reclaimed water for plant water demands is consistent with the philosophy of resource recovery. Reclaimed water, once considered a waste product, is now a valuable resource in water-short areas such as peninsular Florida. Pinellas County's population of over 1 million people requires water for residential, commercial and industrial purposes. Use of reclaimed water for demands at the PCRRF minimizes the impact on limited freshwater resources and can also build support for the facility among the environmental community. Reclaimed water also has economic benefits. Tampa Bay is experiencing ever-increasing potable water costs. Potable water prices are expected to outpace inflation for the next several years to fund capital improvements associated with the Tampa Bay water program. Reclaimed water is available during the winter season, and the PCRRF has the ability to procure it from two separate sources at competitive rates. During the summer months, the facility depends more on its storm water source. A lime softening pretreatment system processes the storm water prior to its use in the cooling towers. Reclaimed water for boiler makeup will require membrane treatment followed by ion exchange. Microfiltration is being evaluated to remove bacteria-size particles and prevent fouling of the reverse osmosis membranes. Potable water will be used as a backup in the event of availability or quality problems with the reclaimed water supply.
机译:皮尼拉斯县资源回收设施(PCRRF)每天燃烧来自佛罗里达州皮尼拉斯县的3,150吨城市固体废物,并产生75兆瓦(MW)的发电能力。该设施每天需要约170万加仑(MGD)的补充水用于冷却塔,每天需要多达20万加仑的高纯水用于锅炉补充。该设施目前在夏季(雨季)中使用回收的雨水进行冷却,在冬季(旱季)中使用经过处理的市政废水(“再生水”)。该工厂目前使用饮用水补充锅炉,并计划在将来使用再生水。将再生水用于植物需水符合资源回收的理念。再生水曾经被视为废物,如今已​​成为佛罗里达州等缺水地区的宝贵资源。皮涅拉斯县(Pinellas County)的人口超过一百万,居民,商业和工业用水都需要用水。为了满足PCRRF的需求而使用再生水,可以最大程度地减少对有限淡水资源的影响,还可以为环境界的设施提供支持。再生水也具有经济利益。坦帕湾的饮用水成本不断上涨。预计未来几年饮用水价格将超过通货膨胀率,以资助与坦帕湾供水计划相关的资本改善。冬季可以使用再生水,PCRRF能够以有竞争力的价格从两个不同的来源采购再生水。在夏季,该设施更多地取决于其雨水源。石灰软化预处理系统在将雨水用于冷却塔之前先对其进行处理。用于锅炉补给的再生水需要进行膜处理,然后进行离子交换。目前正在对微滤进行评估,以去除细菌大小的颗粒并防止反渗透膜结垢。如果再生水供应出现可用性或质量问题,则将使用饮用水作为后备。



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