首页> 外文会议>The 8th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion >Electric network power quality assessment using fuzzy expert system methodology

Electric network power quality assessment using fuzzy expert system methodology


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The aim of this paper is to present a Fuzzy Expert System Methodology (FESM), based on the Fuzzy Logic, Expert System techniques and multi-criteria decision making theory, which can be used to calculate a unique Fuzzy Total Power Quality Index (FTPQI) for every measured point of the electric network (measurements for a specific time period are used). FTPQI of the specific point includes unified and concentrated information about its PQ level and could contribute to the evaluation of examined electric network nodes providing a ranking between them in terms of PQ using the corresponding FTPQI. This tool could be used by the system administrator giving a reliable and scientific way to check the total PQ of electric networks in general and at specified points and, also, providing the possibility of ad-hoc network improvement remedies.



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