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On Satellite Attitude Capturing by the Gravity Gradient Torque Condition and Passive Safe Hold Mode


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The purpose of satellite Safe Hold Mode (SHM) isrnproviding some flight safe conditions in case ofrndetection of any life critical failure. Usually, in SHMrnall on-board nonessential electrical power consumersrnare powered down to minimize power consumptionrnand prevent any unexpected development into failure.rnIn many cases in SHM satellite Attitude ControlrnSystem (ACS) has to be powered down and satelliternangular motion is not controlled. However, veryrnoften random angular tumbling in space is notrnallowed. A certain orientation w.r.t. Sun and Earthrnshould be maintained to guarantee some safe powerrngeneration, thermal and radio communicationrnconditions. A kind of passive SHM should berndesigned to perform this task. This passive SHMrnusually is based on gravity gradient torque, satelliterninertia properties and satellite initial momentum. Tworndifferent concepts can be used for such a passivernSHM design: pendulum-like gravity stabilization andrnspinning gyro stabilization. In the first case, satelliternmomentum should be dumped and satellite isrncaptured by the gravity gradient torque. In the secondrncase, the gravity gradient torque should be overcomernto allow the satellite in a spinning process with arncertain momentum pointed in the desired direction.rnTo determine satellite behaviour in free angularrnmotion in gravity field (oscillation w.r.t. the gravity vertical orrnspinning) in dependence on initial conditions, one can usernwell-known mathematical condition of capturing ofrnsatellite attitude by the gravity gradient torque [1]-[4],rnwhich results from non-linear oscillation theory [7].rnHowever, these conditions presume that the rotationalrnkinetic energy, required to start spinning is transferred tornsatellite instantaneously (practically, fast enough).rnTypical case when these conditions can be used is therninitialization of satellite spin after separation from thernlauncher. The case of satellite transition into SHM fromrnthe nominal operation mode is different and requiresrncareful consideration of the capture conditions. In fact,rnfor the satellite with spinning reaction wheels, the processrnof slowing wheels down to a full halt always accompaniesrnthe transition into SHM. The duration of this process isrndetermined by whether the wheels are equipped withrnspecial brakes. In other words, a transient process ofrnmomentum transfer from the wheel to satellite body takesrnplace. Ignoring this fact in the satellite ACS designrnsometimes can lead to fatal consequences for satelliternoperation, when some non-benign angular motion occursrninstead of expected regular spinning aroundrnpredetermined axis. This article presents the investigationrnof the capture conditions of a satellite by the gravitationalrntorque. The results are illustrated by the analysis ofrnspinning passive SHM implemented in the ACS ofrnCanadian satellite RADARSAT-1.
机译:卫星安全保持模式(SHM)的目的是在发现任何生命关键故障的情况下提供一些飞行安全条件。通常,在SHMrnall中,机上的非必需电能消耗器会被关闭以最大程度地降低功耗,并防止任何意外的故障发展。在许多情况下,SHM卫星的姿态控制系统(ACS)必须关闭电源,而卫星的矩形运动不受控制。但是,不允许在空间中进行非常随机的角度翻滚。一定的方向应维护太阳和地球,以确保某些安全的发电,热和无线电通信条件。应该设计一种被动SHM来执行此任务。这种被动SHM通常基于重力梯度转矩,卫星惯性特性和卫星初始动量。可将两种不同的概念用于这种无源SHM设计:摆式重力稳定和自旋陀螺稳定。在第一种情况下,应丢弃卫星动量,并用重力梯度转矩捕获卫星。在第二种情况下,应克服重力梯度转矩,以使卫星处于自旋过程中,并保持一定的动量指向所需的方向。rn根据初始条件确定卫星在重力场中的自由角运动(重力垂直或自旋旋转) ,人们可以通过非线性梯度理论[7]得出的引力梯度扭矩[1]-[4]来捕获卫星姿态的数学条件。然而,这些条件假定开始时需要旋转动能旋转会立即(实际上是足够快的)传递到卫星上。可以使用这些条件的典型情况是,与发射器分离后将卫星自旋初始化。卫星从标称工作模式过渡到SHM的情况是不同的,需要仔细考虑捕获条件。实际上,对于具有旋转反作用轮的卫星而言,将过程减速轮降至完全停止的过程总是伴随着向SHM的过渡。该过程的持续时间取决于车轮是否装有特殊制动器。换句话说,动量从轮到卫星体的过渡过程是短暂的。在卫星ACS设计中忽略这一事实有时会导致卫星操作的致命后果,这是因为发生了一些非良性角运动,而不是围绕预定轴的预期规则旋转。本文介绍了利用重力转矩捕获卫星的条件。通过对加拿大卫星RADARSAT-1的ACS中实施的自旋无源SHM的分析说明了结果。



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