首页> 外文会议>The 5th China-Japan-Korea Grassland Conference: Knowledge Innovation of Grassland Science and Sustainalbe Development of Grassland Agriculture >Effect of brewers' grain silage supplementation on digestibility, body weight gain, and meat quality of castrated sheep fed hay harvested in the forest-steppe pastures of Mongolia

Effect of brewers' grain silage supplementation on digestibility, body weight gain, and meat quality of castrated sheep fed hay harvested in the forest-steppe pastures of Mongolia


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Pastoral livestock production systems in Mongolia are traditionally conducted in natural open pastures.However, this productivity is extremely seasonal, and the availability of supplemental feeds to combat the cold and starvation of animals has been a key constraint in the system.Brewers' grain is one available feed resource and its production has been increasing.However, its utilization is restricted, and most of it is discarded, particularly in warm seasons.Subsequently, the grain silage moisture content was controlled by mixing it with wheat bran, and different amounts of the silage was supplemented to the basal hay diet of castrated sheep for > 100 days.Only hay was fed to the control sheep.The results showed the possible benefits from feeding brewers' grain for the improvement of the production system, particularly in/around urban areas.
机译:蒙古的牧业畜牧生产系统传统上是在自然开放的牧场上进行的,但是这种生产力是极端季节性的,因此抵御动物的寒冷和饥饿的补充饲料的供应一直是该系统的主要限制因素。可利用的饲料资源及其产量一直在增加,但是其利用率受到限制,大部分被丢弃,特别是在温暖的季节。随后,通过将其与麦麸混合控制谷物青贮饲料的水分含量,并添加了不同量的谷类饲料。青贮饲料在of割绵羊的基础干草饮食中补充了> 100天,仅干草被饲喂了对照绵羊。结果表明,饲喂啤酒谷物可以改善生产系统,特别是在市区/周边地区。



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