
Performance Measures for 21 st Century Libraries


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The purpose of this paper is to review European Commission funded performance measurement studies and in particular to report briefly on the outcomes and lessons of the EQUINOX project. Based on this experience and other research in CERLIM, the paper then goes on to examine some models that may be useful in developing our understanding of libraries in the 21st century. Finally some examples of the types of library performance indicators, which might be applied in the future, are suggested. "Librarianship is a curious profession in which we select materials we don't know 'will be wanted, which we can only imperfectly assess, against criteria which cannot be precisely defined, for people we've usually never met and if anything important happens as a result we shall probably never know, often because the user doesn't realise it himself." (Charton, quoted by Revill, 1985).
机译:本文的目的是回顾欧盟委员会资助的绩效评估研究,尤其是简要报告EQUINOX项目的成果和教训。基于此经验和对CERLIM的其他研究,本文接着研究了一些模型,这些模型可能有助于增进我们对21世纪图书馆的理解。最后,提出了一些可能会在将来应用的库性能指标类型的示例。 “图书馆事业是一个令人好奇的行业,在该行业中,我们选择不想要的材料,而这些材料只能根据我们无法准确定义的标准对我们通常从未遇到过的人们以及如果发生了什么重要的事情进行不完善的评估结果我们可能永远不会知道,通常是因为用户自己没有意识到这一点。” (Charton,Revill引用,1985年)。



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