首页> 外文会议>4th International Symposium on Architectural Interchange in Asia; Sep 17-19, 2002; Chongqing, China >Identifying the Potential and Processes of Australian Involvement in the Infrastructure Development in China

Identifying the Potential and Processes of Australian Involvement in the Infrastructure Development in China


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China emerges to become the world's largest economic power. Two recent catalysts to this growth ― her entry into the WTO and 2008 Beijing Olympics coincides with the Great Western development encouraged by Chinese government. This has brought forward unprecedented opportunities and demands for infrastructure development in China. With a sound technology base, rich resource supply and mature management structures, the Australian construction industry has the potential to tap into these emerging opportunities and gain a strong foothold in this huge market. This paper reviews past studies on Sino-Australian collaborations in the Chinese construction sector. China's huge new development opportunities and the matching Australian expertise are highlighted. In particular, infrastructure development opportunities and processes are examined with references to Australian involvement. The paper goes on to introduce a QUT research project aimed at identifying the potential and processes of Australian involvement in China's infrastructure development. Surveys and case study methods are being used to further identify a rational approach to initiating, designing and developing projects jointly between Australian and Chinese stakeholders. It is expected that the research will develop a guideline for Australian construction industry's participation in Chinese infrastructure projects.



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