首页> 外文会议>3rd Chinese semantic web symposium (CSWS2009) >Towards Better Understanding and Utilizing Relations in DBpedia

Towards Better Understanding and Utilizing Relations in DBpedia


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This paper is concerned with the problems in understanding the relations in automatically extracted semantic datasets such as Dbpedia and utilizing them in semantic queries such as SPARQL.Although Dbpedia has achieved great success in supporting convenient navigation and complex queries over the extracted semantic data from Wikipedia, the browsing mechanism and the organization of the relations in the extracted data are far from satisfactory.Some relations have anomalous names and are hard to be understood even by experts if looking at the relation names only; and there exist synonymous and polysemous relations which may cause incomplete or noisy query results.In this paper,we propose to solve these problems by 1) exploiting the Wikipedia category system to facilitate relation understanding and query constraint selection,2) exploring various relation representation models for similar/super-/sub-relation detection to help the users select proper relations in their queries.A prototype system has been implemented and preliminary experiments are performed to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
机译:本文关注的是在理解自动提取的语义数据集(如Dbpedia)中的关系以及将其用于语义查询(如SPARQL)中的问题。尽管Dbpedia在支持方便的导航和对从Wikipedia提取的语义数据的复杂查询方面取得了巨大的成功,某些关系具有异常名称,即使仅查看关系名称也很难被专家理解,有些关系具有异常名称。本文提出了以下解决方案:1)利用Wikipedia类别系统促进关系理解和查询约束选择; 2)探索各种关系表示模型,以解决这些问题。用于相似/超级/子关系检测,以帮助用户在查询中选择适当的关系。已实现了原型系统,并进行了初步实验以说明所提出方法的有效性。



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