
Challenges in Microthermal Detection of Energetic Materials


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Microthermal analysis (μTA) has recently emerged as a novel technique for the unambiguous detection of energetic materials. Remarkable sensitivity for the detection of a wide range of pure energetic solids and slurries has been achieved using a microthermal analyzer with Wollaston wire thermal probes. However, most practical applications involve samples that are mixtures of non-energetic materials with only trace amounts of energetic materials. The efficiency of the microthermal detection depends on the thermal conductivity and heat capacity, including changes in heat capacity as the experimental temperature is changed, of all of the materials that are in immediate proximity to the probe. The presence of non-energetic yet thermally responsive materials in close proximity to the energetic materials can hinder efficient energy transfer to the sensor. We present a study of the mechanism of energy transformations as well as the thermal response during various types of thermal transitions occurring in energetic/ non-energetic mixtures. The study of rate dependence of energy release has provided a means to selectively enhance the signals specifically generated from the exothermal response of energetic materials.



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