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Helsinki starts to use SSET technology as a first city in Europe for Sewer Inspection


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During 1998 – 2000 VTT Building and Transport made research on Sewer Scanner Data collected from arntest pipeline in Helsinki. The research was part of the international COST Action C3 “ Diagnosis andrnMaintenance of Urban Infrastructure”. The work continued in 2001 as a feasibility study for “ Smart DigitalrnDiagnostics System for Sewer Pipes” in a national technology programme called “ Water Services 2001”.rnAfter successful feasibility study work continues at the moment in full scale with a goal to develop a newrndiagnostics system which is able to interpret very accurate digital image data according future CEN standardrn(Visual Inspection Coding System). The project is part of the national “ Infra Technology Programme “ and itrnis executed in co-operation with firms from Finland, USA and Japan. The system will measure and analysernthe condition of the sewer pipe. The system is meant to support network wide regular condition monitoringrnand proactive maintenance. When the service level and the investments for that are optimised according thernpredicted life span of the network this type of measurement systems are needed. Helsinki Water has startedrnto collect this new data last year as a first water utility in Europe.
机译:在1998年至2000年期间,VTT建筑与运输公司对从赫尔辛基arntest管道收集的下水道扫描仪数据进行了研究。该研究是国际COST行动C3“城市基础设施的诊断和维护”的一部分。作为一项名为“供水服务2001”的国家技术计划中的“下水道智能数字诊断系统”的可行性研究,该工作于2001年继续进行。在成功的可行性研究之后,此刻目前正在继续全面开展工作,目标是开发一种新的诊断系统。能够根据未来的CEN标准(视觉检查编码系统)解释非常准确的数字图像数据。该项目是国家“基础设施技术计划”的一部分,itrnis与来自芬兰,美国和日本的公司合作执行。该系统将测量和分析下水道的状况。该系统旨在支持网络范围内的常规状况监视和主动维护。当根据预测的网络寿命优化服务水平和投资时,需要使用这种类型的测量系统。赫尔辛基水务公司(Helsinki Water)去年开始收集这一新数据,成为欧洲第一家水务公司。



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